Reviews For Film At Eleven
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jul 2009 08:38 Title: Film At Eleven

That was terrific!  Nothing like a strong dose of sarcasm to accompany the pompous media fabrication of an evil empire.  Rimmer does one helluva quick edit job on the fly!  

Author's Response: Thankies! Rimmer has had several centuries of practice at this point to work on his editing skills (and one day, there will be fic explaining what happened in those centuries). Given the paperwork he does on a daily basis, I'd say it would be second nature.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2009 06:51 Title: Film At Eleven

Excellent little tale. Lots of fun, very good re-write.

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Glad that people are enjoying it. :D

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2009 18:53 Title: Film At Eleven

Heehee! LOL Teddog. Nice commentary on the one hand about news reports, bias and sometimes down right incompetence. But away from the political/social commentary, just hilarious with Rimmer looking on with pride at his wonderfully set tea table with matching ShadowKnight colours. LOL! Oh Rimmer. The fact too that he blocks Nace from seeing what he is writing is also so very childish and impish of him. Love it.

And please be starting to post more of the Alternate Mirror Universe stories!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review! What I love the most about when he blocks Nance is that she plays along with it. She could have easily stuck her head through him to read the paper, but she lets him finish up his editing job first. Says a lot about their friendship at this point.

I'll have to see about the AMU stories. I have several fics done and a few in progress, but many don't heavily feature Trek characters because of when they're set. For example, I've got an Rimmer piece set during the fallout of WWIII that's almost done, but if it wasn't for the mentions of WWIII, it would be impossible to tell that it's Trek fic by proxy.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Jul 2009 03:46 Title: Film At Eleven

Okay, that's hilarious. It's interesting to read the press release from that particular arc; we know what happened, but we never really did get to see what the media said about it. I really love how you showed how the media twisted the story to pacify the people, essentially, and cover up their own crap. Total propaganda, and uncannily like real life. Even here in the US.

Arnie's rewrite? Total win. I laughed about five times through it and could hear him reading it with that snarky tone of his.


Author's Response: I can't see the Empire addressing the public about the mess with Scott straight up. They would have overplayed it at first, using records that Starfleet never really cared about before then. Dangerous man, rebellion connections, etc. And then nothing happened. Uh, oops? Granted, when the "rebels" (AKA Arnie and Kevin with a film crew) claim that they stole Scott's body for burial, the Empire would be all over that.

The best part about imagining Arnie reading it is that he would do Phil's voice spot on. >:) Thanks for the review!

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