Date: 11 Nov 2009 07:01 Title: Chapter 1
Wow, this was a moment that really scared me during the movie. Having seen what happened to Captain Robau, and also seeing some of the really truly horrible deaths in Trek XI, and how everybody else in the cast was ending up in the same positions that they had before, in the prime timeline, I was so sure Captain Pike was about to die in the most gruesome onscreen manner you could imagine. I even leaned over in the theater and whispered to my mom at this point, "This is NOT good." She knew who Pike was and what had happened to him in TOS too, so she was thinking the same thing.
You captured that feeling SO perfectly, that sense of impending doom that I felt--well, until those final scenes when we got to see that even though everyone else had been through hell and been altered horribly in the new timeline, that there was one person who gained something precious.
Author's Response: Yeah, because of all the other parallels to the Prime-verse, I was sure Pike's story was *not* going to end well. And yet, there he was, going bravely off into what he was sure was going to be certain death anyway--because that's What Starfleet Captains Do. I was also glad to see him get a happier ending (though in another fic, I did detail just how long and hard his road to rehab was going to be). Thanks for the feedback!
Date: 09 Jul 2009 17:28 Title: Chapter 1
I liked this..this was good. And I totally agree with you about Pike. Now, I am a Kirk fan, always have been. But with the new movie using Pike the way they did, it really makes me, and you I guess, write about him...
Good work Rocky..lets see more of your stuff dude!!!
Author's Response: Thanks! It definitely seems that New!Pike was what resonated the most with me from the new movie. Glad you liked the story.
Date: 07 Jul 2009 12:39 Title: Chapter 1
That was a great monologue of thought from Pike in a defining moment of his character and steel, that of course has made him one of the highlights of the new movie. Pike's resolve hides a fretful mind, but one still controlled and determined to show his command. Touching too was his reflection on the lost opportunities to get to know and hone his young crew under him. This made him an inspiring and caring person with whom to share headspace for seven minutes.
Author's Response: Thanks! I think Pike definitely has a place in the pantheon of Great Trek Captains, and I'm finding him a wonderful source of inspiration. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Date: 06 Jul 2009 19:22 Title: Chapter 1
That was great. you really summed up the cool and collected front Pike used in the confrontation with the Roms.I like that he has his doubts but still conducts himself in a manner in keeping with the role of Captain of the flagship.Even the idle speculation about the Rom captain's form of address to him seemed to fit. Excellent story.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked this. To me, the whole shuttle scenario really does showcase the qualities a Starfleet captain must embody, what true "leadership" is all about. (Too bad Kirk et al won't have a longer exposure to such an exemplary role model). Thanks for the feedback!

Date: 06 Jul 2009 17:02 Title: Chapter 1
This is just lovely. one of the things I love most about Pike is how he faced his death head-on when he went over to the Narada. This is a lovely peek inside his head, at what sort of man he is.
Author's Response: Thanks! This pretty much exemplifies why I like Pike so much as a character (looks over AOS stories written to date and those in the planning stages, sees most of them are starring Pike). His strength, his command of a situation, his willingness to face down odds which aren't in his favor...and a sense of humor to boot (I love the line about the "parking brake").
Date: 06 Jul 2009 07:19 Title: Chapter 1
Very nice! It's amazing how much can cycle through a person's mind in a few brief minutes, most especially if they're potentially facing their own death. You packed a lot of thoughts and emotions into a brief shuttle ride. Well done.
Author's Response: Thanks! I've been mulling this one for some time--what *would* be going through his mind at such a time. The parallels between his situation and Robau's years earlier couldn't have escaped him, and I doubt he had any hope or expectation of survival. The focus in the scene in the movie, however, is all on Kirk and Sulu (and Redshirt Olsen). Glad you liked the story.