Date: 12 Nov 2009 01:05 Title: The Steep and Thorny Way
This was one of the subjects I had long wondered about, when it came to Voyager. You did a masterful job bringing Noah to life, and showing his profound regrets and desire to move on from his mistakes. This is one of the whys and wherefores of fic, and you have cause to be justly proud.
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words! I wrote this story nearly 10 years ago I think, and I'm so glad it holds up. I hadn't realised you were here on AdAstra, too for some reason. I'm now rushing off to add "Lake of Fire" to the Pike/Number One Masterlist :)
Date: 19 Jun 2009 19:46 Title: The Steep and Thorny Way
First-Yeah! Callahan's Place!
Second-damn, that was powerful! Well-rounded, it carried thru on an even pace right to the end. The best I've read by you thus far-even better than Skinned knees....
Author's Response: This is actully very old--and I debated archiving my fic from then since I'm a bit shaky on some basics of writing, so you run into POV shifts and Mary Sues and the like. But I'm so glad you enjoyed! I'm thinking of trying to revise the two stories where the Delaney sisters first programme in The Place and upload them eventually.
Author's Response: This is actully very old--and I debated archiving my fic from then since I was a bit shaky on some basics of writing, so you run into POV shifts and Mary Sues and the like. But I'm so glad you enjoyed! I'm thinking of trying to revise the two stories where the Delaney sisters first programme in The Place and upload them eventually.
Author's Response: Whoa. Sorry about that---didn't mean to reply twice!