Reviews For Ad Astra
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Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2009 23:00 Title: Ad Astra

This is wonderful!  I love how it fills in the gaps in the movie with its slower pace and more reflective tone and really lets us see what's going on inside Spock's head.


Author's Response: Sorry it took me so long to respond! But I'm so glad you liked it. This was my first proper story in the fandom, and my first time writing Spock, so I was a bit terrified of getting his "voice".

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2009 20:35 Title: Ad Astra

The word "Awesome" comes only a little close to describing the way this unfolded. A magnificant look at Spock's internal processes and a great way to bring depth to the movie.

The little easter eggs in there were great as well.

Two thumbs, way up! :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! it was the very first thing I wrote in the fandom, and I had a dedicated crew of betas to help me keep it as tight as possible. I'd never written Spock before, so I was incredibly nervous. And I worried that writing from his POV, Nyota might not come across as much as a character as I was trying for. But I loved exploring their relationship, and how it would be affected by his decision to resign his commission, which the film never really has a chance to show us.

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