Reviews For Context
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Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:41 Title: Context

Um, shouldn't this have had a MA disclaimer? None popped up. You have an interesting approach to ST. The stories you tell are very tight, intimate ones. Interesting.

Author's Response: It's labelled MA, so I'm afraid you'd have to ask the archive maintainers? My guess is, if you've already clicked the warning on the previous story, it sets a session value as a cookie, and doesn't prompt you again until the cookie's expired. I've always been a fan of character-driven vignettes as well as longer plot-driven stories structured liek epsiodes. I haven't had time (it takes me weeks or months to finish most decently complex, long stories, novellas, or novels) to write many of the latter, which is why only the former are archived here at the moment. I've some other AOS stories archived on my website (primarily Spock/Uhura, Uhura & Gaila friendship, and a single Gaila gen story) but when I discovered this site, decided to archive my Pike & Number One stories here to test the waters, since this site seems to get readers who don't read fiction in any of the other forums where I archive.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:28 Title: Context

Well, well... that's got to give Spock some ideas.  Uhura will doubtless be grateful.  ;-)

Author's Response: I wrote it in resposne to a prompt from a livejournal comm, and failed a bit, on the voyeur kink side. But I do think Nyota shall be (pleasently) surprised.

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