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Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:38 Title: Chapter 1

Very sweet in a provocative sort of way. A little short-but that isn't always a bad thing.

Author's Response: Thanks. It started life as another livejournal prompt answer, hence it being just a short snippet. I've some longer Pike and Number One stories in the works, however!

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:38 Title: Chapter 1

Great dialogue! Damn, I'm a sucker for good dialogues, and this one was simply terrific! Kudos. ;-)

Author's Response: Phil keeps breaking me, as I write him. "No, I shot you full of tiny robots on a *whim*" keeps cracking me up. But I'm really enjoying these three, and look forward to writing more stories exploring their past and future. Plus it was very important to me that Pike and Number One's relationship not be contingent on whether or not he recovers full mobility (tho he does, and in later stories is posted to Starbase 12).

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 19:51 Title: Chapter 1

It thrills me to bits to see Boyce make an appearance. I always thought there was so much potential in the Cage and in the few books dedicated to that crew, and I can't get over how neatly and sweetly you tie this stuff into the new timeline.

Author's Response: I'm enjoying writing Phil so much! He cracks me up. I've been creating little bits of fan artwork for lj icons and the like as I've been writing (my Number One is played by Jennifer Garner because of her strong resemblance to a young Majel) and after I wrote this, I ended up mentally "casting" Mark Harmon as Phil. I think there's something about the sly sense of humoru coupels with no-nonsense, gruff, gorgeous silver fox-ness of him I love, even if he is a bit older than Boyce from "The Cage".

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 18:46 Title: Chapter 1

Very nice!  I really like the dynamic between these two characters.  Their natural progression from comrades to friends to lovers gives each of them special insights into the other. 

It was a wonderful gesture that she could make it to the procedure to be there for Chris.

Author's Response: Inside my head, Phil Boyce had a lot to do with that. Not that he's yenta-ing exactly, so much that he's known both of them for a long time, and knows what Chris wants and needs better than he does himself, sometimes. And it was important to me that their relationship not hinge on whether or not he regains full mobility. (Also, Phil's been running a pool since they were all on the Yorktown. And José Tyler now owes him a lot of money.)

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