Reviews For Kiba'avzayn Ta'aboun-cor: Lessons in Cardăsda
Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jun 2009 02:15 Title: Consonant Pronunciation
Date: 26 Jun 2009 02:15 Title: Consonant Pronunciation
It's due to this amazing amount of creativity that I am now going to rely upon you to help me with my Cardassian scenes Nerys! I have jumped from this work to your others on other sites to assist me with making something which is so rich and detailed that it just fits with and should by all rights be canon. You are to be well congratulated on this stunning work - and I will thank you by heaping upon you tons of questions as I re-write (thankfully) my upcoming scenes. HEY EVERYONE - this is truly amazing and creative work!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for checking it out!! :-)
I would certainly be happy to help, but please feel free, of course, to have your own take on the Cardassians...I definitely don't own them. ;-)