Reviews For School Daze
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Reviewer: Gildir Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jun 2012 19:39 Title: School Daze

I laughed out loud at the last line. Brilliant!

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2009 17:52 Title: School Daze

This one still makes me groan. ;) A lot. Like, major headdesk. It's good to find out that my reaction to it is the same as it always was, though. Thanks for entering it!

Author's Response: One day, perhaps, I will write a serious Scotty story. But today is not that day...

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2009 15:38 Title: School Daze

Lesser men must learn the laws of physics.  Montgomery Scott must only learn how to violate them on short notice and in perilous circumstances.

Very funny!

Author's Response: You figure he must have gotten his start somehow! Glad you liked this.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2009 07:58 Title: School Daze

*snicker* Had a feeling....

Author's Response: I just couldn't resist...

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