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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03 Nov 2021 03:44 Title: Chapter 12

Well that was quite a satifying scene between Akinola and Maxwell - as much for philosophical reasons as for visceral ones. Maxwell has given into the bully flaw - the coward who starts fights out of a need to fill something hollow inside. It fits very well with the way he is presented throughout the story - from the introductory scene between him and Ro.

By committing to the death of Federation citizens, he has become a traitor. There might have been some purpose for his fight, but that vanished long ago. And reconstituting the Maquis instead of fighting out the treaty violation in court and in the court of public opinion dooms his cause.

Some nice depth here. Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Nov 2021 01:37 Title: Chapter 11

Really convincing scene betwen the captains. Akinola has no reason to trust Sandhurst, so it makes sense for him to push the man a bit to get a good read on him. 

So I'm curious where that ship is headed...

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 31 Oct 2021 09:51 Title: Chapter 10

Nothing like capturing a bird of prey - that's already been captured. Those ships are like the Toyota pickups of the Trekverse - everybody wants one. Especially if they can mount a tail gun on it.

Maxwell in the Bluefin's brig - not safe...  Sandhurst in an excape pod - less safe. Akinola may find himself wishing he'd stayed in his chair. I get a feeling the Bluefin's the more dangerous assignment at the moment.

Nice scene switching to keep up with the action.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Oct 2021 22:45 Title: Chapter 9

Sandhurst is going to have to get used to killing people... Sometimes impossible to avoid given his luck.

And the cavelry comes crashing in - literally...

At first I thought the guy killing the bolian was Pava - but evidently it's some other badass with a burr up his butt for Sandhurst. So what did he do to this dude?

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

It's his old friend, the Baron. He's decided only he gets to kill Donald.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 Oct 2021 20:01 Title: Chapter 8

Definitely some violence, but not total blood and guts and gore... Still, Star Fleet Medical might have something to say about the way Sandhurst used his surgical implements.

I suspect Maxwell will be steamed when he learns about it. But then he's the one flying a stolen klingon ship and lobbing photon torpedoes at Star Fleet.

Definitely need an injection of cavelry soon...

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 27 Oct 2021 20:23 Title: Chapter 7

Because everything's better when an enemy turns up in a cloaked bird of prey... And Maxwell seems to know how to take best advantage of it.

Looks like Ramirez needs to save Sandhurst. 

Interesting musings with Akinola.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 26 Oct 2021 19:30 Title: Chapter 6

Lar'ragos swallowed an antenna? That can't be good for the digestive tract. Those things are animatronic...

Quite a fun chapter. Nothing like a little levity in the middle of a firefight.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2021 20:04 Title: Chapter 5

Interesting reflection on the personalities and motives that make up the Maquis. It seems they should have a valid court case - the Cardassian Union violated the treaty by going to war against the Federation, thereby forfeiting everything that was in the treaty and they cannot demonstrate any ability to protect those worlds. But the Maquis never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

So for the moment Sandhurst is out of the fight. Here's hoping that the ship rounding on the Bluefin is under Star Fleet control... Can't count on luck like that.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Oct 2021 19:37 Title: Chapter 4

Kind of a rough and tumble Star Fleet these days. Looks lilek the direct approach worked for Lar'ragos.

More interesting maneuvers - pinball. Loved the double-entendre.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

The Starfleet survivors of the war are tough, and woefully intolerant of the kind of extra-legal behavior the Maquis specialize in. Most of the original Maquis cadre are dead, leaving a handful of survivors to try and lead new recruits to the cause, recruits raised in the idyllic green fields of the Federation.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Oct 2021 01:48 Title: Chapter 3

Fun little twist on the Commander's test from STNG - a good theme to explore. 

So Ro has joined the dark side... Or is she a double agent? Her good advice is also a setback for the Maquis. A careful move. Or wait - this is before Ro returned to Star Fleet after turning against the Maquis... Now that's an interesting story - why she turned.

So Ashok is fairly handy in a fight. It's usually handy to be a big guy. Rather non-standard use of the discus - or a use that is a few thousand years out of date..

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

This is long after Ro's return to Starfleet and ultimate defection to the Maquis. In the UT-Trekverse, Ro was captured by the Cardassians prior to the Dominion War and thus survived the Jem'Hadar purges of the Maquis colonies while in a labor camp. She was released following the end of the war, and became a leader in the resurgent neo-Maquis movement.

Ashok is an avowed pacifist, and it grieves him to have to use force, especially lethal force. He'll fight when it's necessary, but he won't like  it.

Thank you for the feedback!

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Oct 2021 22:56 Title: Chapter 2

Nobody fails to get it more than the Maquis. One of the better ideas STNG had - alas given short shrift in the writing department. Hopefully this story will give them some greater depth.

Fun little tactic for Sandhurst - nothing like an unexpected attack. 

Nice Akinola rallying cry to end this little scene. 

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2021 20:01 Title: Chapter 1

Fun with Akinola - one of my favorite UT walk-ons. Seems like Sandhurst has turned his crew into a well oiled machine. And it's always fun to see Pava emerging from some Pavaesque carnage. 

Carrying an andorian's antenna in his mouth is a great visual. Turned out to be useful that the engineer is a big bruiser.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

I'm glad you're enjoying the Bluefin crew's inclusion here. Yes, Gibraltar's crew has begun to operate more smoothly, though that's likely out of necessity after having been kicked in the teeth once too often. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:52 Title: Chapter 12

Great finish up to the story. A nice wrap and a flavour for some of the future events of the UT universe to boot. Bluefin is getting a new brief and it doesn't sound too cosy. Gibraltar might get a little downtime thanks to strings pulled by Akinola but it is a sad precursor to events down the line as Ramirez looks forward to her new command, Sandhurst will have to seek a new XO [one closer than it seems at this story's end].


Big scene with Akinola and Maxwell. I wondered why not your protagonist Sandhurst delivering the speech to Maxwell. But once Akinola started speaking I understood the guilt trip means more from him and of course defeat at the hands of the ageing cutter is bound to hurt and is one sure fire way to punish and eat up Maxwell.


I wondered at the end why Sandhurst wanted a tug a little further afield - it becomes clear when he uses his leverage at Stabase 371 to get his ship refitted once more when rightly it shouldn't. I like that you address that anomoly. It made sense in the wartime effort to get a Connie back up and running. But the argument to continue to do so loses effect after the war. So a neat way to get around that. But it won't be the last of the Big G's battles. And for some reason when Nowark starts talking about taking care of the ship and its being on its last legs, I'm reminded of the Battlestar Galactica when the writing is on the wall and they can foresee the last mission. One wonders is the writing on the wall for the Gibraltar? Is it's time running out? Quite a note to end on. A terrific, terrific read. I know. I tend to run on, all commentary of win and positive - but that's only because the story warrents such high praise and gave such enjoyment to read.

Author's Response:

Here we see Sandhurst actually getting sentimental about the old girl, seeing as all he’s been through in the past year since taking command.  He’s just hoping against hope that he can keep Gibraltar in once piece, that perhaps their luck will change…


Again, many thanks for your thoughtful and insightful reviews.  I’m very pleased you enjoyed the story.  I’d envisioned it as a shorter tale than most of my Gibraltar stories, more fluid and action-packed, while still endeavoring to give the various characters their due.



Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:36 Title: Chapter 11

Akinola raised his in a toast, “To both our ‘old girls.’  They may no longer be ships of the line, but they’ll always get the job done and bring us home.” A terrific sentiment and I'll raise my glass by the way for two of the finest ships ever flown.

Any two captains meeting is a big moment for any UT fans. For the two to be Akinola and Sandhurst who have a lot in common is no less spectacular - especially given the wariness with which Akinola views the calls and actions of Sandhurst. Have to say though that Sandhurst almost put him back in his box with his walk a light year in my boots speech. Great stuff.

Author's Response:

This is a case of two capable starship captains who just happen to differ greatly in their outlook and their operational tactics, though both of them can be counted on to get the job done, each in his own way. 

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:27 Title: Chapter 10

Albacore-class,” Maxwell groused, his voice tinged with reluctant admiration.  “Damned things are just giant impulse engines with running lights and a registry.

Another quote from this chapter worth repeating. Love this rather apt description of the Albacore class. Succinct and very true. Boils down to one mean machine with the ability to play Twister.

Author's Response:

Maxwell calls 'em like he sees 'em, and you have to admit, his observations regarding the Bluefin and her kindred are spot on!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:25 Title: Chapter 10

“If I’d wanted to play it safe,” Brin replied laconically, “I’d have joined a slipshod high-g gas mining operation run by the Ferengi.”

There's always something quotable in your stuff. Hee hee. You should come out with a 'quote a day' calendar. Akinola being stubborn and wanting to take on the boarding party lead himself. ha! Maxwell doesn't know what's hit him.

Author's Response:

Heh... a quote of the day calendar.  That's a terrific idea!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:18 Title: Chapter 9

"She's damaged and in over her head," Lar'ragos muttered sardonically.  "It must be Tuesday."     LOL! And so true!

And a turn around for the books with Sandhurst's mysterious rescue. Intriguing. Fantastic action again as The Buefin engages the enemy and Ramirez and Pava take it out. Brutal and frantic and exciting to read.

Author's Response:

It could be disconcerting if/when your greatest enemy rescues you from the clutches of death.  Well, it might be... if you remembered any of it.  ;-)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 15:10 Title: Chapter 8

Yuk! Remind me to never cross Sandhurst or corner him. It seems that Ashok isn't the only one who can surprise people with his ability to kill. Sandhurst is inventive! Cold and deadly, but effective and inventive. Gotta feel for Pell and her predicament. She doesn't go down without trying to fight. Just her tactics were anticipated. But then Maxwell is a credible mind with a raft of his own tricks.

Author's Response:

Sandhurst's creativity here was born of desperation, and what he was forced to do will be another blight upon his soul.  And as I mentioned earlier, Maxwell is a strategic and tactical genius.  Poor Pell is simply out of her league in this case.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 14:59 Title: Chapter 7

The tables are turning badly on the Gibraltar. Maxwell is going for the full impact and taking everything he can first. Terrific action sequence. Short but not scant on detail. And the image of the three ships all in a line one hunting the other hunting the other is quite a visual in my head.

Strauss and Ramirez do share some qualities. Faith and loyalty in their captian and crew being perhaps the most defining here. Strauss holds Akinola to his previous judgement and points out succintly that Ramirez had no issue with Sandhurst's call. Once again, it seems that the call Sandhurst makes is 'disapproved of' by another captian. Poor guy can't win at times.

Author's Response:

Sandhurst has a history of making controversial decisions that other captains take issue with... but say what you will, he gets the job done.

Maxwell is one of the finest tactical minds Starfleet has produced in the last generation, and despite the disadvantages of his old BoP, he's still undeniably dangerous.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 14:39 Title: Chapter 6

Oh Pava is priceless - the other one I'll be seeing in a few days! - witty, dry and very dark. Love it. Also gotta love Ramirez and her absolute faith in Sandhurst and the Gibraltar showing up. Real heartwarming stuff that. Things worked out grand in the end, no big miscommunications [well not much]. Love the approach the Bluefin and her commanding officers take to things - checking for bio-hazards int ransports and everything. Pros with experience. Another excellent chpater full of win.

Author's Response:

Thanks!  Yes, the Bluefin's crew has certainly leared the necessity of caution during their time together.  As for Ramirez, sometimes I wonder if her seeming confidence in Gibraltar is faith... or fatalism. 

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 14:32 Title: Chapter 5

Great to see Akinola and Gralt interaction always. I'm always impressed by the details of the technology and the work process that you put into your stories. You give a real sense of Gralt being an engineer here, a real sense of Sandhurst fixing the ship, a real sense of combat with varied weapons and effects. Really that kind of detail that just sweeps the reader along in the ride is just so damned impressive. Atop which is the character interaction again. In the case of Maxwell, no character interaction but some character reflection that really stands up to scrutiny and fits canon and character traits too. I also liked the way here and in the previous chapter there is reflection on the growing and changing nature of the Maquis because of the war and its new or hardened  members. This is paralled then in Ramirez's words about how Starfleet have changed too and veterans now at fighting and duking it out. Which of course, only means that both sides are going to fight harder and grittier and give no surrender.

We know have Maxwell en route as backup to the Maquis, the Bluefin seekig out the Maquis, the Gibraltar back up and running once more onto the fight and then we have Pava and Ramirez in the Maquis vessel. I foresee a big showdown and the potential for mistaken identity and some friendly fire. Great set up.

Author's Response:

You foresaw quite a bit, and very accurately, too!  :-)  I very much appreciate the detailed feedback on this story.  Thank you for the kind words regarding the details, as I worked hard to make the story flow while still fleshing out the characters and plot.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 14:18 Title: Chapter 4

Great tactics from the Bluefin as usual we expect something a little creative from them. Great sense created of the Bluefin crew working together and in their style.

Then the Gibraltar crew and their own style too. Ramirez and Pava tag teaming an interrogation! That's time to fess up if ever! I wonder if Lightner crumbling before they expected is his giving false information. Or maybe he just sees sense and tells the truth.

Of course, we are use to Sandhurst making difficult decisions and getting down and gritty when the time calls for it. But you've just gotta admire his courage and determination to go through with the repairs knowing the risks he is taking and the harm he is inflicting upon himself. The fact that he expects no less of his crew means to say he expects no less if not more of himself. Once again, Sandhurst shows how tough he is and stubborn to boot.

Author's Response:

Sandhurst is very conflicted over that particular necessity of command... ordering someone to their death.  In this case he chooses instead to endanger himself, and then ignores it when Pell tries to point that out to him.  It's a gut-check and another learning experience for a new captain.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Jan 2010 14:06 Title: Chapter 3

Don't know how it happened but I got left in the midst of this story. Re-reading the first two chapters was a joyful revisit of zippy humour, great character interaction, and shit hitting the fan as The Rock holds off the Maquis and tries every desperate gamble available to keep on surviving the odds. Then we get to see Ashok here kick ass in his very own style. Ashok gets more badass the more we learn about him. Love how his athletic career is what makes him such a deadly foe.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review and the kind words!  :-)  Yeah, Ashok can be very dangerous when it's necessary, but the guy's a pacifist at heart, and agonizes over such deeds.  And yes, the shit hits the fan at supersonic velocities in this particular story.

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2009 11:46 Title: Chapter 6

I imagine the folks of the Bluefin aren't used to getting breaks like that. It has to be a rare thing for Border Patrol. They were right to be wary.

Pava ATE the antenna? Hasn't he heard that it's better to save in case he gets hungry later?

Author's Response:

Ha!  Pava's never been a delayed-gratification sort of guy anyway. ;-)

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2009 11:37 Title: Chapter 5

Uuuuggghhhhh, a Bird-of-Prey on the way and the crews of the ships for the moment none the wiser. This can't be good, particularly given who's at the helm.

Once again, Sandhurst proves that he is willing to go balls to the wall to save his people and his ship. His rank is well earned for certain. Pell is no slouch, either, but I have yet to see a Bajoran woman who is!

Author's Response:

Donald's a determined man when it comes to his ship and crew... though under the circumstances I'm not sure that's to his advantage right now. 

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