Reviews For Backup
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Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2009 11:29 Title: Chapter 4

Lightner really isn't going to be happy to find out his brother is involved in all of this, is he? I suppose in some ways, though, he knows that ship sailed a long time ago, at least he seems to. Very creative use of the tractor beam, there. It's always the tactical details that really make your action scenes stand out. Well done!

Author's Response:

Much obliged.  :-)  Desperate times breed creativity, especially where the Border Dogs are concerned.  And yes, Lightner is going to be a bit... peeved at his brother.

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2009 11:20 Title: Chapter 3

It was really fun to see Ashok get some action in this time around. I knew the Bolian had it in him. And wow, Ro and Maxwell, eh? This really is going to be one hell of a bumpy ride for Sandhurst and crew. Ouch!

Author's Response:

Yeah, there are definitely some Maquis big-guns involved in this caper, which doesn't bode too well for our heroes!  Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2009 09:50 Title: Chapter 2

Oh, good! It has been a long time since I've come across a satisfying Maquis tale. Already, I'm totally hooked and enjoying the crossover aspect as well. I have a feeling these two captains will have a lot to talk about once they're able to grab a moment. I also have a feeling that will be a while in coming.

Author's Response:

Oh, you have no idea...  ;-)

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2009 09:42 Title: Chapter 1

You weren't kidding when you said this next installment jumped right into the action. What a great start! I really don't like to imagine what it took for Pava to overpower an Andorian. The antennae in the teeth said it all.

Author's Response:

Pava does what he has to in order to win.  Often, it isn't pretty... but it's nearly always effective. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 07:08 Title: Chapter 12

Completely entertaining from beginning to end.  Loved it.

Author's Response:

Much obliged for the terrific reviews!  I think of Backup as being short, fast-paced, and a lot of fun, and I'm pleased you agree.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 07:05 Title: Chapter 11

NICE argument between Sandhurst and Akinola.  Great tension and good points from both men.  Culminating in a shared drink ... nice moment.

Author's Response:

Akinola had to determine for himself what kind of captain Sandhurst was.  Once that was established, the two could be cordial, but not before.  Akinola still doesn't agree with how Sandhurst went about his duties, but he can't argue that it was a job that needed to be done.

I'm glad you enjoyed that particular scene, as it took me a couple of tries to craft it to my satisfaction.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:53 Title: Chapter 8

That was epic (and really gross).  Sandhurst is a crazy genius.  I love the EMH-2's reaction, too.

I also loved the firefight scene with Lightner.  I like the kid, he's got spunk.

Pell isn't doing so well with this command, is she?

Excellently written chapter.

Author's Response:

Sandhurst was crazy desperate, and these actions will come back to haunt him.  The Maquis don't often put a bounty on someone's head, but in Donald's case, they'll make an exception.

Lightner does have spunk, and for obvious reasons, he really dislikes the Maquis.

Pell's trying, but she's up against one of the best tactical minds Starfleet has produced in the last hundred years.  She's quite simply out of her league.

Thank you kindly for the terrific review!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:41 Title: Chapter 6

He ATE the antennae?  Oh, my.  This story is full of great Pava moments.

Author's Response:

What's wrong with a little gnosh between meals? ;-D

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:36 Title: Chapter 5

I hope Sandhurst is all right.  He's brave and dedicated, I'll give him that. Good stuff with Pell's quiet concern for him and then the craziness happening on the Bluefin.  And Ashok abhors physical violence?  Nice touch, there.  I've seen him kick ass in two stories now.  Nice to know he hates to have to do it.

Author's Response:

Ashok will do what he has to when the situation warrants, but he doesn't have to like it.  Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:26 Title: Chapter 3

Go Ashok!  I still think he's the most badass chief engineer ever.  Such a great character.

Interesting to see Sandhurst trying to reconcile the Command part of him with the engineer and all around good guy part of him.

Oh, and this is Lightner's ship!  Should get interesting.

Author's Response:

Yes, Sandhurst is still learning to grasp the occassionally nasty necessities of command decisions. 

And interesting... yeah, that's one word for it. ;-)

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:23 Title: Chapter 2

"...And then Bluefin and Gibraltar are going to make these sorry sons-of-bitches wish they’d selected a different life path.”

And with that, I'm hooked.  Great stuff.

Author's Response:

Thanks.  Sandhurst & Company are fortunate to have as experienced a captain as Akinola coming to their aid.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2009 06:22 Title: Chapter 1

Oh, Pava doing what Pava does best ... so creepy and yet you have to root for the guy.  I loved his initiative here.

Author's Response:

He does have that gift, doesn't he? ;-) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Kraylose Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jul 2009 17:02 Title: Chapter 1

I read this story on United Trek quite some time ago. It continues to be one of my favorite Gibraltar and Bluefin stories.

I especially like the humor involved in this story considering the situation they were all in. Really shows the Gibraltar crew coming together and becoming more than just crewmates, they are now friends.

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review.  I'd hoped the fact that Gibraltar's crew were finally starting to gell would come across... it appears that it did. :)  Much obliged.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2009 16:54 Title: Chapter 2

Go Sandhurst! Go Akinola! Talk about rallying calls. Again lots of mirth and zippy lines to and fro. Rock! Big Rock! in particular wins stating the obvious but not daring to chance not mentioning it award! Ha!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  I was trying to inject a bit of humor into some otherwise harrowing circumstances.  ;-)

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2009 16:49 Title: Chapter 1

Awesome fun dialogue between Liana and Pava. As vicious as Pava is, he's got great comedic effect at times. Or is it, when he smiles one feels - no hopes - he's about to make a funny rather than devishly imaging how to bloody you.

I liked how Akinola viewed the two ships as being of a kind - old buckets together. Nice imagery - especially your line:

His entire career had been spent among the 'Border Dogs,' Starfleet's overworked and unappreciated red-headed stepchild, the Border Service.

I know a certain Captain who might not appreciate the red-headed description! Heh heh. But typical of the many zingy lines peppering this neat little opener. Sets the scene nicely, puts action in motion and gives plenty of chorkles along the way. Great job Gibraltar.

Author's Response:

Thanks much!  Yes, the Border Service may be unappreciated in most circles, but they often come riding to the rescue of more than a few regualar Fleet ships. 

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jun 2009 06:24 Title: Chapter 1

I figure you spoiled it by posting a certain story on the TrekBBS months ago. ;-)

Author's Response:

Uh... the who and the what now?

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jun 2009 02:29 Title: Chapter 2

Sandhurst gestured futilely at the viewer while his command persona slipped several notches as he gasped, “Rock! Big rock!”

Awesome. It was nice to see some humor in there, even if there is some grim. The way the crew is working together thrills me all to bits.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Donald's gone and stranded them in an asteriod belt, but as the crew's finally starting to hit on all cylinders, they've got a good chance of coming through this relatively unscathed.  'Relatively' being the operative word. 

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Jun 2009 02:24 Title: Chapter 1

No one's reviewed this? My Lord. Well, I loved the camaraderie; this feels a bit less agonizingly painful than some of your other recent stories.

Ramirez scratched idly at her temple with her middle finger. "Cork it, Pava,” she offered in a subdued voice.

And that made me laugh out loud. don't permanently kill Liana, right? Sam?

Author's Response:

Wow, drop spoilers much?  ;-)  I'm glad you liked that bit, and yes, this tale is a bit lighter than previous stories, as the crew is finally gelling into a more cohesive whole. 

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