Reviews For Last Man Out
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Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 02:10 Title: Last Man Out

You know, the irony of reading this is...I am one of those people who does not like baseball.  Not one iota; I'm a football girl all the way.  And yet you've made me really care for these characters and for the legacy they are going to leave.

And though many future predictions are likely to be wrong, what you describe with the StreamNets sounds like something that, as an evolution from the days of Hulu, Twitter, and Facebook really could happen.

But the end I really loved.  Normally I would think something like that was too trite and coincidental--but it makes sense.  For that family to remain passionate about baseball for THAT long when there was very little social reason to care about it anymore...there HAD to be something.  And that kind of interaction seems like it could be it.

Author's Response: I love both football and baseball, and once the idea came to me to trace the origin of Sisko's baseball, well, it was irresistible! I'm batting less than 1.000 in the prediction department, unfortunately, as the Cubs didn't win the Series in '08 after all (I was so totally rooting for them to break the 100 year curse!) Glad you enjoyed the story.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2009 19:04 Title: Last Man Out

As a fan I can only say, "What a great game." This was both melancholy and a celebration of the sport-if that's possible. I liked it a lot-even the name-dropping w/the players. And the explanation of Sisko's ball-awesome! It helps explain his interest in the defunct sport, too. Two thumbs up.

Author's Response: I'm glad someone actually read the game recaps and picked up on those names! I'd always wanted to write the story of Sisko's prized baseball. Thanks so much for your review.

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