Date: 19 Nov 2009 06:20 Title: Motivation
The great irony being that it was Sam and Aurelian who were lost to her, and not in any sort of battle, or even in space. Rocky, I'm very sure a conversation almost exactly like this took place in TOS canon, and I thank you for bringing it to life and posting it.
Author's Response: Hey, Rob, nice to see you here! Glad you liked my take on casa Kirk and what doubtless were some of the undercurrents surrounding Jim's decision.
Date: 12 Jun 2009 19:42 Title: Motivation
Unusual-a unique story on characters rarely seen up close. I've never even thought much about Tarsus-but it would be a big impact point for Jim. This isn't just a good story-it is also clever. I like clever.
Author's Response: Thanks for the thoughtful feedback!
Date: 25 May 2009 03:24 Title: Motivation
Wow. For some reason I found this a little chilling. Probably the foreshadowing of tragedy.
Well written and paced, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I particularly liked the mention of Tarsus. I think this is an area of Jim Kirk's life that could do with a little more exploring in relation to how it sculpted him into the man he is now (and in AOS how that event's absence changed the character, cos I doubt it happened there).
It was also good to see Sam getting a little air time.
Thanks for writing and sharing.
(prisoner of Ork)
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked the story. Yes, those Kirk boys did each have their share of tragedy--in both timelines, albeit a bit differently. Thanks for the feedback.
Date: 23 May 2009 14:06 Title: Motivation
Oh nicely done. I thought with the title of motivations this would have been more Kirk centric but in reality it examined his motivations for joining Starfleet through the questioning eyes of his mother and brother. Great to see the divergence of opinion and motivations. Also the nod to George's future fate on Deneva was nicely done, with a neat parallel to Kirk's life. George set out to put his family first, Kirk set out to have a Starfleet career. Neither one took the approach of their father, to try a fmaily and a career. That in and of itself is interesting and telling.
Winona had cause to be concerned and as a mother she probably knew the lengths and degrees Jim would go in order to do his duty - to be a 'Hero'. Following the events of Tarsus it is probably only to be expected that Jim Kirk would have a guilt complex and an overwhelming need to protect others. So Starfleet seemed the best fit, so Winona can't be surprised at his choices. Probably like she was horrified at the prospect, thinking Kirk would go off and get himself killed.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked the story and appreciated the different perspectives used. Thanks for the response!
Date: 21 May 2009 00:19 Title: Motivation
Aha! That definition makes all the difference. Fits perfectly now! Thanks again, this was a great read.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Date: 20 May 2009 20:27 Title: Motivation
A fascinating look at young Jim Kirk's psychological makeup using his family as the backdrop.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked this. Thanks for the feedback.
Date: 20 May 2009 18:54 Title: Motivation
I enjoyed this. I also have written about how the events Jim witnessed on Tarsus shaped his destiny and future motivations. This topic had so much potential in TOS; it's a pity more wasn't done with it.
There was only one thing which gave me pause - and it's a minor quibble. The last line (don't want to spoil it for others) seemed incongruous for a mother. I have three kids myself, and my concern would be for their welfare, given what happened to Jim's father, and the dangerous nature of his chosen profession.
All in all it was a wonderful read, the fleshing out of George Jr. and Aurelan's characters just perfect. I just love stories that fill in the holes that were only alluded to in TOS.
Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Re: the last line, Win's interpretation is that a "hero" is one who puts his own life on the line in order to save others. She was expressing her concern that the same thing which drove Jim to enlist in Starfleet was also going to make him take risks--possibly some unnecessary and/or dangerous--in order to be a "hero". She has already lost her husband in the line of duty, she doesn't want to lose her son as well.