Reviews For The Thesis Paper
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Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2013 02:52 Title: Chapter 1

Okay ... that was just bizarre, and yet hilariously funny.  I lost it with the blue kids, and it only went downhill from there.  You not only have a talent for dead-seriousness, but absolute silliness as well.  Bravo!

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2013 22:37 Title: Chapter 1

Ah, silliness! Gluten, sugar and vodka, always a winning combination.

In the meantime, poor Ted has to somehow get across that Li Quan and his new Coke deserve to be on the same level as Colonel Green's atrocities and Khan Noonien Singh's own acts.

Notoriety - it ain't what it used to be.

Thanks for the chuckle!

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2013 07:20 Title: Chapter 1

This is so ridiculous. In the best ways. The references to Stallone and New Coke just slayed me, and I got such a kick out of Mike's deadpan answer. It has to be humor, but yet, it might just NOT be, too. Just given how history can be deceptive and ridiculous at points, even whilst true. Which is kind of scary. But awesome.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2013 12:29 Title: Chapter 1


New Coke No!!!

Seriously a nice bit of humour.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jun 2009 21:43 Title: Chapter 1

Oh, my...when I first saw this over at the TrekBBS, I had NO idea what to make of it!  Are you sure "Mike" isn't a pseudonym of Shand or Torres?  That would certainly go a long way towards explaining things... ;-)

What on Earth inspired this? ;-)

Author's Response: somebody asked Who was Li Quan? in the Trek Lit thread and a few of us made some smart-ass answers-mine grew a bit, as you can see.

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