Reviews For A Kiss Before The War
Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2011 23:37 Title: A Kiss Before The War
Date: 11 Sep 2011 23:37 Title: A Kiss Before The War
Ai yi yi well that does explain all the dallying around, eh?
I've found Q to be such a strange character. It seems that an omnipotent being, even a one as Loki mischievous as de Lancie's character is, would not find humans to be terribly exciting. And the engagement with any species of our level seems absurd (and yes, it is still canon, but still!), as if a being of such power and depth would give a damn about us, any more than we care about microbes. Still, it is a part of canon. Q is deux ex machina gone wild, in a lot of ways. For the series writers, I imagine he was often a way to get out of jams when they were stumped.
Interesting ideas and perspectives, as always.