Reviews For Shadow Plays
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Reviewer: UncleRice Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 17 Oct 2011 15:52 Title: 001 - "It's A Whole New World Out There."

Finally, someone understands that cybernetics don't require you to be a Borg or a Bynar. I just wish the rest of the story was here.

Author's Response: Thanks for the comments. And yeah, cybernetics in Trek tended to mostly revolve around the Borg or the Bynar. But of course there is a whole wealth of stories that could be told in-between. There is more to Shadow Plays than what has been posted here and I do have plans to continue this.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Dec 2009 15:39 Title: 001 - "It's A Whole New World Out There."

An excellent beginning, though a little reminiscent of the Matrix...
I like the fact that this is a very different story to what we're used to with Star Trek fic, but so far I haven't seen anything really Star Trek about it, beyond the term FedNet. I'm looking forward to seeing how you play into that more (if you do) in the following chapters.
All in all, this was an exciting chapter, with some interesting, endearing characters I'm looking forward to learning more about.

Author's Response: It's not you traditional Star Trek story, true. In fact people have pointed out that this thing could be easily written as a non-Trek story all together. But I wanted to play in the Trek universe here and one of the reasons it doesn't feel too 'Trekish' is probably because it's set on Earth, which we didn't get to see much in the shows and movies. Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 May 2009 19:07 Title: 010 - "Who Runs This Town, Anyway?"

Good sequence here. Its fun to watch these people, far in the future, deal with nusances of relationships...good writing..


Author's Response: Thanks. I tried to go for a balance of character and action pieces.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 May 2009 19:18 Title: 006 - "Another Way of Life Awaits."

Oooooh..I like the way you are writing Grayson. Very well thought out speech of his. I even found myself agreeing with him a great deal.

Two thumbs up!!!

Robert Scorpio

Author's Response: Good to hear. I like it when the reader can sympathize with characters, especially when they aren't the 'good guys', it probably shows depth.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 May 2009 04:08 Title: 001 - "It's A Whole New World Out There."

You may have something here...I have thought for YEARS that a star-trek story like this could rock. I just dont have the writing ability to do something like this...cant wait to read the other parts..good start...I know you can pull it off


Author's Response: Thanks, Robert. I wasn't sure if I could pull it off myself, hence why it stalled at some point. Hopefully there'll be more of Shadow Plays soon.

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