Date: 20 Nov 2010 18:44 Title: Proof of Duty
I find my self on two sides on this one. To me it was a beautiful and touching story, and I love the way it was told, Duty, Honor, Sacrifice, Love and loss. The lamentation of command all of it hit me personally. The other side of me is hurt (but not bad) that a writer so skilled at pulling those emotions out is not out trying to save movies and TV from the scourge of Reality TV, and Short attention span writing that exists today.
Great Job T and I am honored to have read this
Author's Response: Wow Marvin: First, let me thank you for taking the time to join up here so you could leave a review. I hope to be writing more in the future. And if anyone knows anyone who wants to let me write a TV show, I'd be happy to give it a whirl! LOL Thank you so much for the review and more importantly - for reading it to begin with! xxoot
Date: 22 May 2009 07:13 Title: Proof of Duty
I don't usually read other peoples Fanfic, but this was pretty good.
I have no questions or anything like that. Just thought I would tell ya that I liked it.
Looking forward to your other stories. :D
Author's Response: Thank you very much Angelica. Welcome to Ad Astra! I'm honored that you enjoyed it!
Date: 12 May 2009 05:48 Title: Proof of Duty
This is very, very, very moving indeed, to see Beth's reaction through his eyes. Between this and what I've seen of her in the Round Robin, I have really come to like Beth. She's strong, but also seems to feel very deeply. I think that's a great strength of hers even though I'm sure it has to hurt sometimes.
Especially at times like this.
And you know...I never considered what it would be like to be dealing with an empath at one's time of death--to know that even when you're not able to speak anymore, you can still make yourself and your feelings truly understood. It had to be a very comforting feeling to this dying person.
Author's Response: Beth can be a real mess sometimes - she hated her own empathic skills for so long...but she sees the beauty in them as well. This would have crushed her, but at the same time she would have also loved the fact that she was there for that person when he needed it most. She still has that part of Deanna... :)
Date: 06 May 2009 04:54 Title: Proof of Duty
Wow, very nicely done. Brief yet very descriptive, a security-man's last minutes after having accomplished his mission. It's nice to see that Captain Riker cares as much as she does, and appreciates the man's final gesture and sacrifice.
Though with her empathic abilities, that death's doubtless going to be with her awhile. Considering the nature of the sacrifice, that's not a bad thing.
Date: 04 May 2009 23:53 Title: Proof of Duty
The most frequently uttered sentence of a dying soldier: "Tell my wife I love her."
The last minutes of a dying Redshirt. Powerful, gripping stuff.
Well told!
Date: 04 May 2009 20:03 Title: Proof of Duty
Very pretty. You've set the bar quite high for this challenge.
Date: 04 May 2009 00:25 Title: Proof of Duty
That was gripping fromword get go. really hooked in as we saw our poor redshirt do the ultimate act of duty. Very nicely done and for Beth being empathic would make it all the harder to bare.
Author's Response: I never believed any Starfleet Captain would have been flippant about a subordinate's death, especially when taking the hit for them. I thought about using Kirk...or Picard for this, but Beth's empathic skills just fit the bill. Thanks for the review!
Date: 03 May 2009 23:56 Title: Proof of Duty
Wow. Powerful and painful all at once; very nicely done, Terilynn.
Author's Response: Thanks Steff...