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Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 06:08 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

Oooh, that was so nice to see McCoy and Spock come to an accord where they could understand each other. :-)

And even though I'm a Southerner and tend not to like South jokes--I LOVED the "pistols at twenty paces" crack!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you, Nerys - glad you enjoyed it.  The 'twenty paces' crack was in no way meant to insult our Southern brethren, so I'm happy it didn't come off that way.  Besides, McCoy walked right into that one - there was NO WAY Spock could resist that comeback! :-)



Reviewer: Gumnut Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Apr 2009 03:22 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

I had to print this one off to read as RL kept interrupting me, hence the delay on pouncing.

But now, consider yourself pounced on! Must read all Cuppy fic! And I thoroughly enjoyed this one and will read it again when I get a chance - this time uninterrupted.

You illustrated a great moment between our two Kirk guardians and their sniping was at their best.

Thanks so much for writing and sharing.

(Cuppyfic fan)

Author's Response: Oh Nutty – I don’t know what to say! This kind of praise for my work from an author of your caliber is humbling indeed! I am so pleased that you found it enjoyable and worthy. Thanks for the vote of confidence, just the inspiration I need to keep at this. Cuppy

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Apr 2009 21:32 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

Wonderful. Just wonderful. You really know how to make those three shine. We always knew Spock and McCoy had a great deal of respect for each other despite the sniping, but you really brought it forth here. Saving Kirk from himself...well, someone has to! ;)

Great work!

Author's Response: ::bows:: Thanks! When I was a kid it was often hard for me to tell if they were friends or enemies. ;-) I think all of us at some point in our lives have had that kind of relationship with someone. It was just so much fun to write - I never tire of their verbal gymnastics. And lord knows, Jim needs saving in the worst way sometimes. Tickled by the great feedback! Cuppy

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Apr 2009 19:41 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

That was to put it mildly all kinds of awesome. I love Spock and McCoy going at it. They were the greatest soap opera ever that pair. You got so many nunances of their speech and mannerisms just so and allowed a deeper level of discussing to be addressed by them.

They need one another to protect Jim and Jim means so much to both of them. Both probably reasoned and discussed matters better with one another than we ever saw onscreen in TOS but it was nicely done and touching without being sappy or inconsistent with the characters. Mistral was dead right abouty entering it for the challenge. A great story on its ownsome but a perfect fit for the challenge.

Loved the patter of the dialogue and the use of language to convey their words, expressions and gestures. Great stuff.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it, and pleased that it rang true. Their bickering always stupefied me as a kid - were they friends or allies? - hard to tell sometimes. Hats off to Anna for the great beta that helped me keep them in character, and to Mistral, who saw something in this I didn't realize was there. Thanks for the read, and especially for the review - it inspires me to keep at this. ;-)

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2009 19:40 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

Insightful. You kept the best of TOS and found the underlying truths, that Jim needs his support group as badly as they need each other. Kudos!

Author's Response: It's always been amazing to me how incredibly intelligent and insightful these three are, and yet they can sometimes be blind to the most obvious things. They all know on an instinctual, subconscious, gut level, how much they need each other. Leave it to McCoy to be the one to put voice to the idea. I'm surprised he only got the last word once in TOS...;-) Thanks for reading, and for the encouragement. I did enter it, at your urging... Cuppy :-D

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2009 17:48 Title: Our Brother's Keepers

this is an interesting story. Because we never got to see the end of TOS (a finale) this kind of 'inserted' scene goes a long way in showing that these two, Spock/McCoy, were growing in their relationship with each other...

Superb job!!!


Author's Response: Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. To me, it seemed there was a softening to the relationship between M&S towards the end of the third season. Granted, they still had their 'arguments' but it became easier to see the subtle respect and genuine affection. This just seemed a perfect way to explain that. ;-) Cuppy

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