Reviews For Lobster Wars
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Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Mar 2010 01:34 Title: Chapter 1

Oh, my goodness!  Thank you for the laughs!  This was great!  I saw the "You phasered a lobster" line in the "Best of" thread and had been meaning to read this ever since ... glad I finally got to it.  Oh, that is funny.

Favorite part:  *Lobsters staring at Scotty*  "Bloody hell."

Seriously.  I mean the original offense and the payback were both hilarious, but something about Scotty standing there trying really hard not to feel bad for a couple of lobsters just makes me love him.  And the phasering!  Love this whole piece.  Nice work.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 May 2009 05:51 Title: Chapter 1


Probably one of my favorite Scotty-Corry humor episodes, along with the accent story!  From Corry's prank, to STUNNING A LOBSTER, to the shower prank--pure gold!!!

This interaction is actually one of the ones that inspired me in writing the interaction between Lavelle and Mendral in "Captives' Ransom"...I truly admire how effortlessly this sort of funny banter and crazy scenarios come to you. :-)

Author's Response: Thanks much! It never used to; if anything, I've had a hard time learning the art of humor. But I'm glad I was able to carry it through.

Reviewer: ProudNerd Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 18 Apr 2009 05:27 Title: Chapter 1

LOL!!! Too funny! Prank wars are always great to read about!

Author's Response: Thanks. It was an absurd amount of fun to write.

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