Reviews For Basil
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Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2014 21:16 Title: Basil

Enjoyed this. Well written. I loved Spock's dialogue and the story definately gave me some laughs. Short and funny--what can be better?

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2009 07:19 Title: Basil

I love the little twist at the end. Gotta say, Kirk was braver than I'd be. This was fun!

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 13 Jul 2009 03:50 Title: Basil

LMAO! All right, this is a lovely little 'comedy of errors' style story. Great characterization and a winning ending. The dialogue made my day; totally classic.

Reviewer: illariy Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 May 2009 15:19 Title: Basil

This story is so much fun to read! I read this a long time ago and was so happy to read it here again. Spock and his devilish sense of humour. *grin*

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Apr 2009 23:37 Title: Basil

I'm laughing so hard my face hurts!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2009 19:59 Title: Basil

Left me chuckling....

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 23:47 Title: Basil

OMG! That was hilarious! McCoy's always wanting Jim to lose weight - seems like the perfect opportunity. These light-hearted moments are always a delight to read. Maybe some Horen to wash it down with...;-) Thanks, Nutty.

Reviewer: MrsPicard Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2009 20:44 Title: Basil


Poor Kirk! I loved Spock's "what? It's perfectly tasty!" attitude. Well done!

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