Date: 12 Mar 2010 22:05 Title: Timelines and Universes
Brrr ... something about that last line ... It would be extremely difficult for a whole army to make a universal jump ... made me very dubious. Why does she add a caveat like that? What does that mean? And what kind of awesome madness is in store that such an evil tactic might be thought up. Anyway, this reads as a great way to explain things [insofar as they can be explained]. After revisiting the Alternate Mirror Universe thread in the forums I think I shall take a more structured approach to things rather than dipping in and out here and on LiveJournal. Still the madness and the disorientation of such an approach is almost like method reading, jumping in with no concepts of what is going on and it makes for an intriguing sensation. But thanks for the guide.
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:56 Title: Timelines and Universes
Ok, now I'll read the story. I've false started it twice already, unsure of what was going on. Thank you for the help.
Author's Response: Might make more sense in the context of the round robin too. Actually, it might make that even more confusing.