Date: 07 Jun 2009 10:50 Title: Epilogue – Tidying Up
The Son'a and Bak'u story was never one of my favorite Trek tales, but this was a realistic follow-up to the repercussions of that movie and it fit beautifully into this universe. The Gibraltar and her captain really shone in a tough situation. I have to say Picard and Riker came off less than flatteringly but very true to their canon selves. Jellico's revelation was quite startling, but made perfect sense. As always, I'm looking forward to reading the further adventures of this crew.
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed the story. This was my attempt to examine both the larger stellar-political situation in post-war Alpha Quadrant as well as a more narrowly focused Gibraltar-centric tale, combined in the same story. I utilized the Enterprise and her crew to try and demonstrate how the Federation's ideals have become tarnished by the realities of life in the aftermath of such a destabilizing conflict. For all his good intentions, Picard's mission was compromised before it had even begun.
Date: 04 Jun 2009 23:33 Title: Chapter 4
Ohhhhhh. Well, last part first -- totally awesome tactical move with the escape pods. Seriously, that just awed me. You have a habit of throwing in wicked moves like that.
I also really liked the early part with Pell and Donald. Maybe she can bring him back to something better; or, I can hope, right? Maybe? I suppose I'll have to read and find out. ;-)
Author's Response:
If anyone can bring some sunlight back into Sandhurst's life, it'd be Pell. Thanks for the review.
Date: 03 Jun 2009 20:55 Title: Chapter 3
I adored Pava and Tark's interaction there in the game; it was good to see the man loosening up somewhat, even if I'm never sure it can last when it comes to Lar'ragos. The rest was good, too, but the ending with Liana and Sandhurst talking it out was absolutely excellent.
Author's Response:
Thanks! The P-Squares match was a lot of fun to write, as I had to make up how the game was played from scratch. As for Sandhurst and Ramirez, they're making progress. The fact that the two of them are now capable of having a civil though frank exchange of views is indicative (I hope) of a growing bond of trust, or at the very least, tolerance.
Date: 02 Jun 2009 23:40 Title: Chapter 2
Wow. First, go Liana. I like how you didn't either vilify or excuse Will Riker, or any of the Enterprise crew. I loved the Covey/Sandhurst interaction, and I really feel for Donald; I sure do hope he manages to someday rebound from this, but I know that it's either not likely, or going to be a long-ass time. Good chapter, man. Very good.
Author's Response:
Yeah, the Ramirez/Riker scene had quite a few revisions. A number of my fellow UT writers gave some much needed critical feedback that helped me to strike the right note with that confrontation. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.
Date: 02 Jun 2009 18:15 Title: Chapter 1
You are the master of beginning stories strong and ending them strong; the initial shock, yet again, of a huge and bloody coup about to go down, along with masterful characterization, makes this a strong beginning to what will no doubt be yet another exceptional piece of work.
I wish to God pocketbooks woulda hired you, Sam. You weave the political and the personal so well, it's art.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the kind words. As this was my third story in the Gibraltar series, I felt I finally knew the characters well enough to begin to examine their private lives and loves, as well as pull back in scope to take a look at the larger political picture. Here's hoping it worked.

Date: 26 May 2009 23:20 Title: Chapter 1
What a way to start off this new tale (for me anyway.) A perfect comprehension of the political climate post Ba'ku and Dominion War coupled with scathingly spot-on interpersonal relationship for Ramirez. I found myself hurting for her more than Jeff - although he's being shoved back by Lianna - who's to say she's not right? But still, I can't help but feeling that she's "pulling a Riker" and putting her own happiness back out of fear...
Such awesome, awesome stuff Gibraltar!
Author's Response:
Much obliged! Liana's a complex person, with a lot of baggage from her childhood that has managed to effect her relationships even decades later. As for whether she's right or wrong to push Jeff away... only time will tell.
Date: 08 Apr 2009 17:22 Title: Chapter 3
The intricate web of Sandhurst's past appears here with their soon to board diplomatic officer. Ramirez and Sandhurst exchange words. You feel for both parties as they both make valid points. The fact that you convey the drama in a simple exchange of words without hysteronics or one side appearing incompetent is a testament to the way you write.
Sadly, Ramirez is probably chancing fate talking about Big G's chances if they come up against an Ashlain ship. I don't fancy their odds in such a face off.
And our mystery 'special forces' grow even more mysterious. They sound like quite a threat.
Date: 08 Apr 2009 16:01 Title: Chapter 2
Ok there was a lot in that chapter. Awesome ending with a surprise antagonist. Are they saviours or are they even bigger trouble?
Must make mention of how you weave in different aspects of your United Trek universe and characters therefrom. It doesn't overload the story but enriches it and shows good crafting to pick and choose only the elements required.
Riker and Ramirez certainly did go toe-to-toe. Her line was particularly barbed to Riker: “Stow it, Will. I know you saved the Earth from the Borg, but what have you done for us lately?” It hardly recognises the achievements of the Enterprise crew but it does speak of a certain truth too.
Most telling of all though, is her line to Riker that it is not the choices of his captain but her own that concern. She has a real issue with Sandhurst and their stormy wworking relationship is going to be further strained by the mere fact of accepting this mission. She showed respect by withholding her opinion from Picard until he pressed the issue. I get that came from being an officer but also some kernal of respect for her own captain. But still, one need only compare Riker's respect for Picard and his decisions, and contrast it to her's for Sandhurst. Do we find it lacking?
In truth, considering what the Big G has endured, Sandhurst really ought not to have volunteered for this mission. It's a big ask of his crew and himself. One has to consider what are his motivations as much as one has to be concerned, like Ramirez, about Picard's motivations.
Though I don't agree with Ramirez's assessment, that this mission would lead the Federation to war with the Ashlain. I think that might be inevitable because of the actions already taken by the Ashlain, however, it certainly will not help matters and may accelerate or provoke hostilities sooner.
Nice touch too referencing the Riker manoeuvre at the start!
Author's Response:
You're right about Sandhurst volunteering his people so soon after what they've been through, as he's clearly letting his own personal demons drive his actions, much as Picard is in similar circumstances. Thanks for the feedback!
Date: 08 Apr 2009 15:42 Title: Chapter 1
So begins another adventure for the Gibraltar crew. I'm sure it will be a walk in the park, especially with the Enterprise along for the ride.
Picard's got history with Ba'ku, but I don't necessarrily believe that makes him the best man for the job. The situation on the planet sounds dire and these Ashlain are very determined to exact revenge on the Son'a.
It will be interesting to see how the Big E and the Big G mesh together for this mission. Would anticipate sparks between Riker and Ramierz. Donald is likely to have great respect for Picard, but by the end it will depend on how things pan out.
Ramierz is a complex character. Never quite allowing herself a bit of happiness. Not sure Thorpe is the best fit for ensuring continued happiness, but the fact remains she hardly gives them a chance. Nice to see just how developed your characters are, that they can have hang ups such as this and still be functioning and capable officers and interesting to read. Nicely crafted.