Reviews For Mosaic
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Mar 2023 08:04 Title: Edinburgh

Nice story about an aging Scotty with a new-found aging friend. Looks like 24th Century medicine isn't a whole lot more effective with arthritis than current.

Little bits of ST mythos creeping in. I haven't thought through the impact of WWIII on my Star Trek Hunter series - although in my trek-verse it isn't as catestrophic as it appears in many others.

Thanks!! rbs


Author's Response: Actually, this takes place in 2248 and Scotty's only two months into age twenty-six. The whole reason he's in physical therapy is because a bulkhead landed on him when he was saving his ship. But yeah, I do believe that mild osteoarthritis like Arthur has probably isn't too easily fixed even there. thanks!

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