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Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2015 00:09 Title: Entire Story

Oy. Just... Oy. Oh yeah, and LMAO.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 May 2013 07:05 Title: Entire Story

Interesting piece, if a tiny bit heavy-handed.  My favorite part here is how well you drew Q -- he's very in character, and I could just picture Picard's reactions to his shenanigans.  As a Catholic, there were things here I could quibble with, but there were also some very good points.  

My favorite bit in the entire piece was this:  

""How do you know I'm not Jesus Christ?"

"Because the only sins I can imagine you being willing to die for, ever, are your own, and only if you're suicidally depressed already."

Great interactions between our two frenemies from TNG.  Overall, a thought-provoking piece.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 May 2013 07:03 Title: Entire Story

Q and JLP in the our 20th century? A classic scenario. Writing this from Qs POV was a fun choice and Q, as usual, is oh so kind in his assessment of Picard. He loves Picard, can we be honest about that? The dude really likes him at the very least and it shows in the dialogue how fun Q finds messing with Picard.

JLP hiding out in a church to kill time and minimize his damage is a smart play, but Q showing up was grand. Just comedy at its best but comedy with a message. Though Q is parodying the religious views of those in that church, he’s also dropping a lot of truth. He’s correctly pointing out how the religious sects are focusing on the WRONG issues and how they’re missing the entire point of it all.

JLP throws himself into a bad knocks back a strong one, probably feeling guilty about Q screwing with those people. Q delivering the news to Picard that the timeline isn’t the same as his is a nice little nugget of info and one Picard seems to genuinely appreciate for a moment before the guilt comes back.

I’m not sure if Qs story is true … I’ve always wondered if, in Trek, Jesus was a Q but this has never been confirmed or denied. I suspect it is true but your take on it was quite good. Funny, with some nice points, this was a good read. Well done.

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2009 03:50 Title: Entire Story

This is exactly the sort of thing I could see Q doing. It's a shame they didn't actually do an episode like this. Hilarious, and it makes some good points along the way, too.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2009 20:01 Title: Entire Story

This is a hell of a story. I can only imagine how much fun you had writing it. I love the way you capture Q's casual attitude about everything. You know, if this wasn't a ST story you could easily submit it to Analog or Asimov's - and I bet they'd print it without hesitation. What a helluva good tale.

Reviewer: MrsPicard Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Apr 2009 14:34 Title: Entire Story

ROFLMAO!!! I loved this one. It's SO like Q not to tell Jean-Luc that he won't mess up his precious own timeline. *giggle* Great little story! :D

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