Reviews For Second Chances
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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2011 22:23 Title: Qui Audet Adipiscitur

Intriguing. I am guessing - this gal is an Orion?

I like the interplay; it works well from lovely female stranger to our gal to Pike and back again, around and around. The drinking line thrown in at the end works, too, as she just cannot resist a jab/reminder of something else. And perhaps she has just gotten him into some trouble, but it seems that she enjoys a bit of chaos. It's all good.

Author's Response: Yep--Gaila, from the 2009 film. It's sort of a sequel to an earlier piece I'd written, as a gift for a friend.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Mar 2011 01:05 Title: Turnabout

I really loved this different view of the Pike/One relationship, and the origin tale of Phil and Cait.  Very realistic character work, as always.  

Author's Response: I apparently have a whole slew of reviews I never saw from ages back. But that's so much for the kind words!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Jan 2010 01:21 Title: This House (Ain't No Home)

Awwww!  This was wonderful.  I really can't say more than that -- just perfect.

Author's Response: Hurrah! There's going to be a lot more Pike/Number One from me in the next few months, thanks to the scheduled 'Ship Wars fiction challenges... I've missed writing them, and am having stupid amounts of fun with my fellow Team PikeOne friends.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2009 19:25 Title: Night Shift

Hey, I liked this. This was well written and I really could see BRUCE GREENWOOD, I think thats his name, acting out the scene. The dialog was great, and mature with 'depth'. I want to read more!!!


Author's Response: Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2009 04:36 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

Gosh, I am hooked on these Pike/Number One stories now!  The way you write them, the chemistry is amazing.  I love how you give just enough detail -- not too much.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm loving writing them.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2009 01:56 Title: By Any Other Name

That was so sweet and well-written.  I liked the friendship between No. 1 and Cait, and of course the growing romance between No. 1 and Pike was wonderful to read about.    Well done!

Author's Response: I'm having WAY TOO MUCH FUN with Number One and Cait, and Pike/Number One. I'm still writing little fill-ins for both TOS and AOS them, and I'm hoping this winter to get more long, plotty stories done.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Jul 2009 19:42 Title: By Any Other Name

A lovely look across the ages; the ending, especially, is very touching. It is nice to see them have a better chance here than they ever got in TOS, due to tragedy. ;-) If only you had been hired to write the damn movie, I'd have watched it umpteen times, too.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the kind words! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I'm really enjoying exploring the wide-open future the film gives us, where Pike and Number One are concerned.

Reviewer: Rocky Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2009 05:56 Title: By Any Other Name

I've given feedback on this story elsewhere, but it's worth emphasizing again what a great portrait this is of Number One, and what a good job it does of fleshing out her background. It's a pity we didn't see her in the movie, but perhaps in the sequel?

Author's Response: I'm sort of enjoying having her all to myself at the moment--I almost hope she doesn't appear in the sequel, just so I'm free to tell the stories crowding my head without worrying about being made canon-fodder. But regardless, I think I'm addicted to fleshing out her and her history and future, both in Starfleet and with Pike. I love that AOS gives us a wide open future where anything can happen, and the stars are the limit, you know? But it's been a real challenge and a joy to comb through all of the different portrayals of Number One in the tie-ins (including the IDW comic) and rewatching Majel's performance in "The Cage" and forming a picture in my head of *my* Number One, and try and make her work with all that's gone before, but also explore all the new avenues open to me with the new story. And getting to map out her relationships with Pike, Barry, Boyce, Spock, even April, Poole, and the Yorktown crew that live in my head. I'm just so pleased folks are enjoying my take on the character--and that there's this mini-explosion of Number One stories in the wake of the new film, even tho she never appears onscreen.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jul 2009 03:48 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

A different take on Pike and Number One, and I like it a lot. She doesn't seem so computerized and he doesn't seem so rough. I'm glad he was able to find her and him worked out.


Good stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! it's hard, just going off "The Cage". But I never saw her as "computerised" so much as crisp and efficient. And Chris in "The Cage" is just burnt out from Rigel VII, but I love seeing a different side of him in the film--yet still the same man, and extraordinary captain. I'm having a lot of fun with these two in the new universe, without Talos IV and J-Class cruisers hanging over their heads like the Sword of Damocles. It's been so much joy, sorting out what remains the same, and what diverges and how in the way they relate to one another. I've got more of them coming, and working on Pike Prime/Number One Prime based on the events of _Vulcan's Glory_ for the Trek Novel Fest later this summer.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:41 Title: Context

Um, shouldn't this have had a MA disclaimer? None popped up. You have an interesting approach to ST. The stories you tell are very tight, intimate ones. Interesting.

Author's Response: It's labelled MA, so I'm afraid you'd have to ask the archive maintainers? My guess is, if you've already clicked the warning on the previous story, it sets a session value as a cookie, and doesn't prompt you again until the cookie's expired. I've always been a fan of character-driven vignettes as well as longer plot-driven stories structured liek epsiodes. I haven't had time (it takes me weeks or months to finish most decently complex, long stories, novellas, or novels) to write many of the latter, which is why only the former are archived here at the moment. I've some other AOS stories archived on my website (primarily Spock/Uhura, Uhura & Gaila friendship, and a single Gaila gen story) but when I discovered this site, decided to archive my Pike & Number One stories here to test the waters, since this site seems to get readers who don't read fiction in any of the other forums where I archive.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:38 Title: Mission Accomplished

Very sweet in a provocative sort of way. A little short-but that isn't always a bad thing.

Author's Response: Thanks. It started life as another livejournal prompt answer, hence it being just a short snippet. I've some longer Pike and Number One stories in the works, however!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:35 Title: Safe and Sound

Ok, that was intensely written. Not sure of the point of writing it-but it was well done.

Author's Response: It was to answer a prompt on an adult content livejournal community. Basically, people put out prompts they would like to see filled. In this case, Pike/Gaila "extracurricular activities". I decided to give it a try.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 19:25 Title: Safe and Sound

Wow...that was a great story!! And very fun to read during my lunch. I'll have to start thinking about 85 year old nuns, to get my self calmed down before I go back into work..but wow...two Thumbs up!!!!



Author's Response: Thanks! I had fun--definitely racier than my usual fare. Glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: Rocky Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2009 05:33 Title: Safe and Sound

I like how you tapped into "The Cage" to make Pike's attraction even more plausible. As for Gaila, *of course* she'd be more interested in the mature captain than those callow youths in the bar *g*. Sweet and sexy.

Author's Response: My first reaction to the prompt at the kinkmeme was "Pike and Gaila? Seriously?" but once I sat down and thought about it, the fantasy with Vina dancing was about the only moment in "The Cage" where I think Chris was seriously tempted. So it made sense that Gaila would go there, and with the added persuasion of her pheremones, Chris would follow...

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:42 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

Very well done. I like the fact that Pike is in recovery-makes it more believable. What is he going to call her? 32 syllables is a mouthful...

Author's Response: I'm already toying with ideas. But it's not really 32 syllables--I think there's some hyperbole going on there. I'll tell you, tho, it's difficult to write without a name! And as much as I love _Vulcan's Glory_ I'm not all that fond of "Number One" as her given name, rather than keeping it Navy slang for "Executive Officer". So I'm cherry picking bits of backstory, for the fanon Number One I'm building inside my head.

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:38 Title: Mission Accomplished

Great dialogue! Damn, I'm a sucker for good dialogues, and this one was simply terrific! Kudos. ;-)

Author's Response: Phil keeps breaking me, as I write him. "No, I shot you full of tiny robots on a *whim*" keeps cracking me up. But I'm really enjoying these three, and look forward to writing more stories exploring their past and future. Plus it was very important to me that Pike and Number One's relationship not be contingent on whether or not he recovers full mobility (tho he does, and in later stories is posted to Starbase 12).

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:34 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

Lovely. Lovely, endearing, touching -- you name it. Fabulous work. I'm not a fan of Abrams-verse, but what does it matter when the story's so great? :D Thank you for sharing. ;-)

Author's Response: I've really enjoyed playing with the AOS 'verse, as aside from some VOY about a decade ago, I've never written Trek fan fiction (tho I was a huge TOS fan, and adore many of the tie-in novels). But I just love Greenwood's Pike, and wanted to write this story ever since I saw the film, and I love the idea that I can take Pike and Number One in new directions, free from the fate he suffers in "The Menagerie". Plus I'm really enjoying the idea of Number One getting her own command 8 years ahead of schedule, compared with the TOS universe.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 20:28 Title: Context

Well, well... that's got to give Spock some ideas.  Uhura will doubtless be grateful.  ;-)

Author's Response: I wrote it in resposne to a prompt from a livejournal comm, and failed a bit, on the voyeur kink side. But I do think Nyota shall be (pleasently) surprised.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 19:51 Title: Mission Accomplished

It thrills me to bits to see Boyce make an appearance. I always thought there was so much potential in the Cage and in the few books dedicated to that crew, and I can't get over how neatly and sweetly you tie this stuff into the new timeline.

Author's Response: I'm enjoying writing Phil so much! He cracks me up. I've been creating little bits of fan artwork for lj icons and the like as I've been writing (my Number One is played by Jennifer Garner because of her strong resemblance to a young Majel) and after I wrote this, I ended up mentally "casting" Mark Harmon as Phil. I think there's something about the sly sense of humoru coupels with no-nonsense, gruff, gorgeous silver fox-ness of him I love, even if he is a bit older than Boyce from "The Cage".

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 18:46 Title: Mission Accomplished

Very nice!  I really like the dynamic between these two characters.  Their natural progression from comrades to friends to lovers gives each of them special insights into the other. 

It was a wonderful gesture that she could make it to the procedure to be there for Chris.

Author's Response: Inside my head, Phil Boyce had a lot to do with that. Not that he's yenta-ing exactly, so much that he's known both of them for a long time, and knows what Chris wants and needs better than he does himself, sometimes. And it was important to me that their relationship not hinge on whether or not he regains full mobility. (Also, Phil's been running a pool since they were all on the Yorktown. And José Tyler now owes him a lot of money.)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 18:37 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

An excellent window into a brief moment of happiness both for Pike as well as 'Number One.'  Lord knows he's had precious little to celebrate lately. 

I liked that you examined how Pike's loss of the Enterprise affected him, most especially because he'd been so integral in the ship's development. 

Great stuff!

Author's Response: I think that at heart, I am always going to be an optimist. And while in the film I think they thought they were 'rewarding" him with the Admiralty, in reality, taking a vital man in his prime and putting him behind a desk is just so wrong. So I'm loving the chance to tell a story that gets him back out among the stars (eventually). And I am an unashamed Pike/Number One 'shipper, and love that it has comfortable intimacy of people who've known each other for a long time, while still keeping that period of discovery and exploration where they might end up making out in a parked car like teenagers. It makes me giddy.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jun 2009 18:13 Title: Skinned Knees and Second Chances

I don't desperately like the AOS side of things (mostly because I just don't think they even came close to doing okay with Scotty, and that's a dealbreaker for me), but this story is absolutely wonderful. I have a massive soft-spot for Pike, and for Number One, and for them as a pairing. I adored Vulcan's Glory. And I love this -- it's professionally executed, sweet, funny, introspective and very real-feeling. The history you manage to weave in from TOS, and build into AOS make it one of the best offerings I've seen yet of the new fandom-branch.

Plus, well. Pike. Number One. I mean, how much cooler does it get than that?

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I love that AOS gives us the opportunity to tell new Pike stories without the spectre of DRD Pike (one light for yes) hanging over us. I never really bought that Chris would ever have been able to accept a life of illusion with Vina, and now with the changes to the timeline, I can explore what that really means for Chris and Number One (for whom I will probably have to come up with a suitably unpronounceable name eventually...).

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