Reviews For Welcome Aboard
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Jun 2020 17:53 Title: Welcome Aboard

It almost reads as much like an episode aboard the Orville as a Star Trek fan fic... Which is fine - the writing for that series has a light-hearted touch that gets lost in the all too perfect Star Trek world.

Nice scene length and I appreciated the detail about the captain going gray (happens to beards first - the gray didn't show up at my temples until I turned 50.)

I would have liked a few more visual details - I know what an Andorian is, but I like knowing that they're doing with their antennae... And you had the opportunity to give us a few yummy smells with breakfast - smells really make a story pop. 

But good fun writing and a good grounding in human nature. 

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review.

I wasn't intentionally trying to get an Orville vibe, but glad you liked it.  I just wrote the scenes until I felt like they were a good length, and then moved on to the next one.  Yes there are some details missing, and I'm the first one to admit that this story may not be perfect I do think it's a decent introduction to some of the characters that will be featured.  

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