Date: 06 Feb 2020 09:43 Title: Chapter 2
Turns out you write non Vulcans just as well as you do T'Lin and company.
The juxtaposition between your damaged albeit still rational-behaving Vulcans and a scared and very much emotional Trill is really well done.
There is quite a bit of crime being talked about in this chapter which is interesting considering that the Federation is supposed to be such an utopia. I find it believable though, especially since it is Salesh's occupation to deal with those affected by these things and in reality, the Federation couldn't possibly be quite aa squeaky clean as often portrayed on TV. And even Vulcans have skeletons hiding in their closets.
Also, shout-out to Vulcan bureaucracy. Now that I can totally see. In fact, I can easily imagine that the Vulcan bureaucratic apparatus puts everyone else's to shame.
Another solid entry. Looking forward to reading the next one in this outstanding series.
Author's Response: Thank you! I did enjoy writing Vulcan bureaucracy. That scene actually got written on a lark before any of the rest of the story came together.
Date: 26 Jan 2020 13:50 Title: Chapter 1
Still enjoying this snapshot of the lives of a couple of mostly ordinary Vulcans and the ongoing exploration of their world and culture through their eyes.
The two main characters remain compelling while staying true to Vulcan logic and pragmatism which is an amazing writing job.
The writing in general is stellar, the prose is excellent and easily good enough for published work which is just one of the reasons that make me come back to this.
My only, very minor critique is that the chapters are so long, it's tough to find time to read them.
Keep up the great work!
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm working on the next installment of this series now, and it's going to be a long one, so I will keep your comment about chapter length in mind when it's time to post. :)