Date: 15 Dec 2019 22:13 Title: Chapter 1
Wow, what a story.
I have to admit, I tend to mostly read Trek stories focused around Starfleet but since Vulcans have always been among my favorite races, I've decided to give this a try. And I'm glad I did.
Vulcans get such a bad rep in canon, usually painted as cold, distant and mostly antagonistic, it was great to see them 'humanized' in this story without compromising on their unique culture and dedication to logic and pragmatism.
The world-building is simply outstanding here, I'm not sure this is all you or if you borrowed anything from Trek-lit, but regardless, it was all pretty new to me and totally fascinating, if you allow the pun.
You made these characters incredibly likable and immensely compelling which is not easy to do for Vulcans, doubly so since they are civilians, just living their lives on their homeworld, rather than movers and shakers in the grand scheme of galactic affairs or engaged in high adventure.
Riveting stuff and I'm looking forward to checking out the next story in this series.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for the kind feedback! :)
Vulcans get such a bad rep in canon, usually painted as cold, distant and mostly antagonistic, it was great to see them 'humanized' in this story without compromising on their unique culture and dedication to logic and pragmatism.
I completely agree. It's partially annoyance with the way so much of canon and pro fic portrays Vulcans that inspired this series.
The world-building is simply outstanding here, I'm not sure this is all you or if you borrowed anything from Trek-lit, but regardless, it was all pretty new to me and totally fascinating, if you allow the pun.
I took some from the ST novels, some from other fic, and some I came up with on my own. So it's an amalgam.
Riveting stuff and I'm looking forward to checking out the next story in this series.
Thank you again! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)