Date: 04 Jul 2020 00:11 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 26
Spellchecker chews: Pp beginning "Then for the love of God.." I think you meant "uncomplicate" instead of "uncomplicated"
Pp beginning "After I had to fake..." I think you meant "intents" instead of "intense"
Thanks! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 23:48 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 25
And I recall the sort of rapproach between Lif and Garla - though I wasn't as faimiliar with their relationship. Both very well written characters - neither has the feel of a stock character.
Thanks! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 23:40 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 24
I remembrer this one strongly from my first read through. Michael's reaction to his father's condition is realistic without being overstated. It's always a temptation to make a meal out of such scenes.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 18:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 23
And Garla in the role of a frenemy... nice balance between the rescue and the betrayal. ANother classic "garden of forking paths" ploy and none the worse for wear.
I particularly enjoy writing speeches for my characters. It's a difficult thing to do - especially when it is deliberately formulaic political speech. It is a powerful storytelling technique - a speech can move the plot along in ways that neither action nor exhibition nor dialogue can. Alt.Garla's speech does that by conveying both current status and intent. And demonstrating that her plan has popular support.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 18:03 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 23
Spellchecker chews: Pp beginning "Garla was followed by a man..." I think you meant "none other" instead of "nonother"
Pp beginning "Tazla pulled free her phaser..." I think you meant "bead" instead of "beat"
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 17:43 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 22
Sic semper psychoanalysts.. In scifi stories they rarely fare well. A reflection of a broadly held suspicion that most of them are just making wild guesses. Hard not to empathize with Laas' triumph. Nobody liks being psychoanalized and its worse when a telepath is involved.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 03 Jul 2020 17:31 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 21
I definitely recall this one from my first read through - spooky visions and premonitions of things to come. Scenes that take place inside the characters' mind scape are difficult to pull off. This one worked because of the visual details and the Bensu dialogue.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Jul 2020 17:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 20
And alt-Lif is properly teased. Nice device with the holo-masks - wish I had thought of those... I'm a big nerd when it comes to alternate uses of the technology introduced in Star Trek. Also, very nice detail with the work lanes and the attitudes of the bears. And also Tazla having to do a quick think about the bears and overcome her initial inclination.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Jul 2020 16:38 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 19
Nice character exploration! This is the kind of thing that "garden of forking paths" stories excell at. Glad you took the opportunity to slow down and tell this story. It's good little stories that make for a good big story.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Jul 2020 16:17 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 18
I'm very much a fan of process stories - such as a rough ride through turbulant space. This one has the virtue of not only moving the story forward, but enriching it both with character development and cultural development (destruction of the freighter).
Many authors are in a hurry to just get to the next location and move the plot forward instead of giving a realistic feel to the story.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 02 Jul 2020 16:14 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 18
Spellchecker chew: Pp beginning "How confident are we..." I think you meant "weather" instead of "whether"
Thanks! rbs
Date: 30 Jun 2020 16:31 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 17
Nice reconciliation between Owens and Edison and good captain's dialoge from Owens. It's quite clear Jarik's leash needs some tightening..
It appears this platform is inimical to tildes, umlots, accent marks and their ilk. Jose is reliably represented as Jos?.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: It's a good first step at reconciliation. We'll see how long it can last. As for the artifacts produced by the platform, it's actually much worse than that and the main reason why I haven't been able to action any of those typos you've identified yet. Every time I try to edit a chapter it will replace almost every non-letter character with one of those artifacts. It'll take some time and work to make any changes here but I'll certainly be more mindful of this bug on future posts.
Date: 30 Jun 2020 16:19 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 16
Another excellent chapter. I don't recall this one - I must have skipped past it on my first read through. But it is not uncommon for me to read a story a few times.
Really nice portrait of Edison.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. Here we get a bit of a glimpse of what made Edison into the person he has become. They are no excuse, of course, but hopefully help explain a few things.
Date: 30 Jun 2020 16:17 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 16
Spellchecker chew: Pp beginning "Edison looked passed her..." I think you meant "past"
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:45 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 15
Favorite line - "I'm a doctor, son, of course I'm right."
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. Katanga has been around long enough to earn him a bit of hubris.
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:31 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 15
A couple of typoes in the first Pp - Ggteway and theirr
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
This is a particularly good chapter regarding the conversation between Lif and Tazla. Issue handled in the best Star Fleet tradition. In the U.S. Navy (at least during Vietnam when my dad served) such behavior would probably earn an Article 15 and quite possible a peer group drubbing to boot.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Part of this goes back to my point about relationships build over time and based on trust. I've also always resisted the notion a little bit that Starfleet is a military organization first. Although, I can certainly see how on other ships, particularly with officers less familiar with each other, or during war times, disciplinary actions would be more common in these kind of situations.
Date: 30 Jun 2020 14:04 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 14
Spellchecker chews: the Pp beginning "Ordinarialy I would agree..." I think you meant "expecting" instead of "excepting."
Pp beginning "Understand, I am not equating..." I think you meant "reliving" instead of "relieving".
Thanks! rbs
Date: 30 Jun 2020 13:20 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 13
Yeah.. I suspect Violet was exaggerating a bit about no personnel issues on her team. But such a non-traditional group would have extreme internal and external pressure to avoid airing dirty laundry..
And Tazla's concluding sentiment is clearly unrealistically optimistic...
All the interpersonal friction is not reminiscent of the Star Fleet advertised in STNG, but it strongly resonates with my dad's stories about serving in the Navy, giving it a bit of a gritty feel which draws the reader along.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I'm quite fond of TNG and when I started out Star Eagle, years ago, it certainly served as the chief inspiration. As time went on, I found interpersonal conflict too tempting to ignore. I still think that TNG did something very interesting and different to established story telling norms, but Eagle needed a bit more spice.
Date: 28 Jun 2020 13:35 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 12
Good Captain's dialogue from Michael - even though he has a bit of a challenge keeping his cool. I appreciated that his ire was primarily reserved for his officer and not the cantankerous Edison. I also appreciated the analysis about their alternates not being the same, but not entirely different.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Owens is a bit of a diplomat and a peacemaker in a similar vein as Picard. He knows he must control his people first before addressing external factors, such as Edison. Glad you are enjoying the subtle differences between characters. These will become much more pronounced as we delve deeper into the story.
Date: 28 Jun 2020 13:07 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 11
I like the idea of the starships replicating drones. Also enjoyig the friction between the two groups.
Also enjoying the interaction of the two Xylions.
Nice visual details - especially the division between space and substpace.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: A big part of the fun of writing alternate universe stories is when people get to meet and interact with their doppelgangers. And there is quite a bit of this in QD.
Date: 26 Jun 2020 20:31 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 10
Looks like we're playing a lot of the same themes - a father estranged from his children, gigantic alien structures (Ep 10).
I particularly appreciate that Owen's poeple are willing to address a tough issue with him and that he listens to them.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yeah, some of these people have served together for years (not Alendra though, she's a newcomer) which has created relationships based on trust which in turn creates the freedom to voice opinions on even delicate matters.
Date: 26 Jun 2020 20:22 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 9
Favorite line - "weird is part of the job description.."
Enjoying my second read through.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. Also, awesome that you're reading this twice.
Date: 26 Jun 2020 14:38 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 8
Interesting to see the competing lines of authority in this situation. No one is born ready to take orders from someone who just popped in from an alternate universe...
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: I agree. I would certainly not take orders from somebody claiming to be from another universe I know very little about.
Date: 26 Jun 2020 14:36 Title: Part 1 - Splintered: 8
Spellchecker chew: 4th paragraph - i think you meant "Most were recovering..."