Date: 12 Sep 2013 08:53 Title: Rust
Ooo...just like Terilynn, I picked up on that line. Perfect for the Empire's state of mind, but also perfect for what we all know happens later to Scotty. He gets so broken, so instead of fixing him (though Andy certainly tries, *squee*) McCoy Sr. turns him into a weapon. Such incredible foreshadowing (though...I realize, it was done after the fact, but still, chronologically this is first, so there.) And the relationship he and Jenna have is so cute, even if it is almost a little odd for that much of an age difference. Still, it was neat to see the start of that relationship that you showed in ESPG, and how very un-evil these people are in the Mirror Universe. A very nice follow-up to Teddog's little piece.
Author's Response: "Childhood was a short period in the rebellion." I think it probably always was, in places where life is hard. Thank you. Jenna breaks my heart, certainly, and he really did die with her name, that seventeen year old kid.
Date: 02 Feb 2009 16:40 Title: Rust
First off *headdesk* This was good. But for some really incredible reason, this line:
"Guess it must not take much for the Empire to decide something's too broken to fix." just scathingly perfect.
Author's Response: Heya Terilynn! I really loved working on some of these early pieces, even knowing that things go wrong. And that line can really only be foreshadowing. Thanks so much for the feedback!