Date: 06 Aug 2009 10:25 Title: 'Boarding Party'
Whoa ...suddenly things kick off.
A hideous bunch of cold hearted killers, no wonder why they're the most wanted in the Federation.
Great stuff.
Author's Response:
They have a bit of a mean streak for sure. If you're going to be bad you should at least be bad ass about it. No?
Thank you very much for the review. Keep enjoying.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 10:19 Title: 'A Commanding Presence'
'Arsehole of the Quadrant' I love technical terms hehe.
Author's Response:
I try to ground all of my writing in thorough research. Sometimes I fear that at times I might be too technical. Hee hee.
Date: 05 Aug 2009 19:10 Title: 'Bedding In'
Well, McGregor's eccentric to say the least. Quite enjoyable to read even if he is a madman lol. I've enjoyed what must have been the most thorough tor of a ship ever, and love the idea that there's a wanted muderer with an inside man waiting to stir things up later on.
Author's Response:
Thanks millions for the review. Yes McGregor is eccentric - you're so polite! Though madman is maybe not as flattering - but possibly more accurate! Hee hee. Glad you're enjoying the ride. And yes our murderer had schemes up his sleeves - they'll just take a while to pan out. [But that gives you time to decipher who think might be the inside man!] McGregor too has his own schemes though - hunt T'Hos down and reap his revenge. Either way, things are definitely going to be stirred up. Again, much thanks for the review and reading.
Date: 02 Aug 2009 01:34 Title: 'A Medical History'
And once again the Border Service comes to the rescue. They might be a little late but they get there for the fun stuff.
Fighting scenes are always fun to read in my opinion and this is a good one. A massive Kzinti taking on Nausicaans of equal size, very cool. Bout time those raiders got what was coming to them.
Was funny reading McGregor hitting the Nausicaan with the umbrella. Might not be the most effective weapon but it certainly was a nice distraction.
Was a nice look into the Doctors childhood. A frontier girl who ended up joining the very starship that saved her and her fathers lives. Only in Starfleet do things like that happen.
Keep it up Miranda. Im hooked and want to see more, especially stuff with the Kzniti. Feliniods are so under represented in Star Trek its about time they got their 15 minutes of fame.
Author's Response:
Thanks loads Kraylose. Glad you're hooked - now I'm upping the price (lol)! Haven't had much time so far devoted to our favourite friend. I've been keeping his story back but his time in the sun is coming. Mind he might not like being in the spotlight much! Thanks for reading and the review.
Date: 31 Jul 2009 04:33 Title: 'He's an Hawsehole!'
Two things...
One, I loved that opening, and with the Ensign having to deal with not getting his dream posting. After all, not every fresh-freshed Ensign can be posted to Enterprise.
Two... having read the snippet you put on TrekBBS, I have to say, I disagree with it being 'weak.' I think it makes a great segeway from this point, and struck me as a Little House on the Colony feel, like something out of a John Ford western (with John Wayne playing Chief of the Boat).
I strongly believe that piece was, and is, ready to go along side the rest of your story. Keep going, I'm enjoying it.
*Reposted because I screwed up the rating system... sigh.
Author's Response:
Thank you Funngunner. To be honest, I was worried that the segeway from Monroe's backstory was deviating away too much from the story and I worried about including it and having it clog up the story. I'm glad you liked the bit and I laughed at the notion of it being like a Little House on the Colony feel and in particular the image of John Wayne as McGregor! Thanks for the review and hope you continue to enjoy.
Date: 28 Jul 2009 09:57 Title: 'Trekkie Brekkie - the way to start your day'
Oh, and a new face, apart from T'Vel. You're really good at keeping things going, you know. ;-) Waiting for more. ;-)
Author's Response:
I think that's most of the faces now. Now we just need to get to know them a little better! More coming ... thanks again Anna.
Date: 28 Jul 2009 09:51 Title: 'By the Cat's Whiskers'
Nice job on the hand-to-hand combat description, those could get tricky sometimes. McGregor certainly has a flair for the dramatic. LOL. Nice update. ;-) It's an interesting planet, to say the least.
Author's Response:
I think in McGregor's book, there's no point doing something unless you can do it in a dramatic way! ;)
Date: 24 Jul 2009 16:57 Title: 'He's an Hawsehole!'
When i first started reading this story I wasn't sure if I would like it. McGregor just seemed to odd even for a
Border Service captain.
After reading more than a few chapters now I can't get enough of it. A Tzenkethi COB, an insolent Vulcan, plus a disgraced former Starfleet captain. The Kestrel is quite the eccentric ship.
Keep it up and want to see more.
Author's Response:
Cool, thanks much Kraylose. I'm glad you stuck with it. Yes, the captain is a little OTT but within his own context it works - kinda - well in my head anyway! Ha! Eccentric is a good way [and a polite way] to put it. Please keeping reading and don't let McGregor put yu off too much. More coming soon ...
Again, thanks for reading.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:43 Title: 'Second Chances'
Wow. That shook me up pretty badly. In a good way I mean, but still. Talk about adding drama. I mean the real thing. Wow. Still, even in the midst of all this, the line about the sold counselor cracked me up. Hope she's doing fine, wherever she is. ;-)
Way cool writing. I'm awed. :)
Author's Response:
Aw Anna. Mega thanks and mega blush. And glad it was real thing drama. I think it had to be and I fervently hoped it would be with McGregor and Molly butting heads. When two such personalities come up against each other [and no doubts they probably often do do so but this time on a serious one to one front] it had to amount to something and be tight. So I'm glad that in your opinion [which I hold dearly] you thought it worked out ok. I'm awed by you. Much thanks and appreciation.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:30 Title: 'Not to Dwell on Matters'
Oh la la! More intrigue! Molly still rullllllzzzz! :D
Author's Response:
Yay. And thanks!
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:22 Title: 'Dirt Side'
Oh, God, poor kid. It's not like I don't wanna smack him myself by this point for continuing to be so naive, but still. Being everybody's punching bag like this... Ouch. ::winces::
Nice world building there. Starfleet border patrol is obviously a very different line of work than what we're used to seeing. This reminded me a little of 'Gambit' in TNG, only more realistic and gritty. And Molly of course is priceless! :D
P.S. I say sell him! Need the information anyway. ;-)
Author's Response:
Border patrol is the dirty end of the stick - or viewed as such by many in the fleet. But only cos they do have to deal with the dirtier, grittier side of things. But I have to say, I like roilling in te dirt with these guys. A lot of fun.
Molly is priceless! Thank you for thinking so.
As for our punching bag, when he continues to be a little whiney it is hard not to want to smack him. Maybe McGregor had a point? No? Yes? P.S. I think McGregor might be rubbing off on you a little if you condone the selling. ;)
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:12 Title: 'Sleeping With the Enemy'
So, uh, why does this man serve in Starfleet anyway? I get the feeling he'd be worshiped with the Orions. ::snicker::
Author's Response:
LOL! Better he serves in it than against it, is probably Starfleet's thinking on the score.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 10:04 Title: 'The C.O.B.'
Ouch. It was going so well with lightening the mood slightly, and then bam -- Sebastian! Ow, poor baby. I've gotta say, you're doing a superb job of maintaining the mood throughout this. I'm not even sure how you do it. But that feeling of nervousness that comes with the fisrt mission/flight/launch whatever, it just doesn't go away. This painstaking process of settling into any collective that had been fine and blossoming without you and the different approaches different people have for that.
Obviously, Jex is the most comfortable with conditioning, but I'm pleased that she, too, has something to be worried about. Gives her a more humane touch, and I think she needed it. Noah -- well, this guy's wound up so tightly, he's gonna break if he doesn't find a way to relax soon. Maybe exhale every once in a while. LOL. Sebastian, now that's a story still in store, can't say where he's headed yet. Intriguing.
And did I mention I think every ship should have a bar? :D
Author's Response:
Great feedback Anna. Love the bit about Jex, Sebastain and Noah and where they are at. Again much thanks for reviewing. The mood is something that happens I think more by accident and cnojured more by how the characters react and what they emote. Everything for all concerned, no matter how experienced, has to be up in the air and in flux. Especially trying to make friends and get settled in. I can't imagine it is too over night and settled.
And yeah - every ship should have a bar!
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:48 Title: 'The Kestrel spreads her wings'
SO now he stole a shuttle? I am constantly amazed at this man's ability to continue to have his way with whatever or whoever's out there. It really is something. :D
Author's Response:
Acquired with expedition, Anna! He merely likes to save on the red tape, really he's being efficient and kind in many ways, ha ha! Besides, even with a mission shuttle, I think Georgetown will be only to happy to see the back of McGregor. And why does McGregor get away with this sort of stuff? Hmmm ...
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:43 Title: 'Taking Stock with Expediency' [A Captain's Prerogative]
Hm. I wonder what he's up to now. Curious man. Mad. But curious. ;-)
Author's Response:
Curious - hmm - that probably does equate with McGregor. But of course, mad too!
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:37 Title: 'Taking Stock of the Truth' [A Rogue's Confession]
Yeah, the mystery of some marriages will probably never be disclosed. This guy sounds like as real a son of a bitch as they get. Wow. What an asshole. Him. McGregor. T'Hos. Georgetown. God, Molly must be a saint. Damn hot one at that, but still. Whew!
Author's Response:
Defo, Molly is a saint or at the very least a martyr! And I like that you think she's hot. Cos she rocks in my estimation.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:29 Title: 'Taking Stock of the Heart' [A Frontier Girl]
Well, that was... harsh. Hm. Many psychological issues here. First of, I'm glad someone's talking some sense into Cutler. He's damn insecure and McGregor's lecture back there didn't help. Hm. Good point on Monroe's part.
Then Monroe herself. Well, that's a case of classic gender bending there, with her and Jocum. And masterfully done, too. You can feel her being reluctant to hurt him and yet being unable to give up her chosen way of life. What's particularly good about it is that you can understand them both here and sympathize with both. Good work!
Author's Response:
Thanks Anna. Glad it worked and that both parties could be sympathised with. And one can only hope that the chat works with Noah, but it will probably take a little more than that to sink in with him.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:16 Title: 'Accommodating Commodore'
Yay Molly! That woman knows her shit, not to mention her captain. Very quick thinking at that. Not to mention manners. :D The threat of McGregor hanging around for months was a master's touch. LOL.
Author's Response:
Yay Molly, I ful-heartedly concur. After these years, she knows her captain alright. To full eye-rolling hilt knows him! But yeah, using McGregor hanging around as a threat would be the first thing to try and motivate a person like the commodore.
Date: 15 Jul 2009 09:06 Title: 'A Let Down'
I think I'm out of love with McGregor. Maybe I'm slow on the uptake, but why exactly was he bitch slapping the kid? So he was on the bridge, and? Out of curiosity, just what was he supposed to do? ::dongetit::
Little Baloon story kept me waiting for one of the baloons to explode. :D
Author's Response:
And here comes the turning point for many when it comes to McGregor. Ha! I guess, I'll have to do something to make you fall back in love with him again. Only thing is, McGregor is as like to follow it up with something to make you fall out of love with him again. Hee! He's a love him or - no actually - and hate him kinda guy.
And no, Noah had very few options available to him and his being bitch slapped by McGregor was perhaps unwarranted. Though McGregor himself in Kirkian school of thought that there is no no-win situation and could have come up with something! But McGregor probably really places blame and ager at T'Hos, but not having him to hand, he has to take it out on someone. Petty I know but hey it's not as if McGregor is dripping with positive points to begin. Still he wrapped it up in a cute little story. Not all bad. Exploding balloons! Anna! How shocking tarra, of you.
Date: 14 Jul 2009 21:03 Title: 'Into the Maelstrom'
I think this man needs to be held in federal prison and released on special occasions. LOL. Wow! He's a bloody hurricane and beats me how Starfleet puts up with him, but he's got style. Whew! Head-spinning read!
Author's Response:
Yes McGregor is a bit like a hurricane - full of wind and VERY destructive! HA! Glad your liking [and reviewing too -aw love you Anna]. Yep it is a mystery as to why Starfleet continues to put up with McGregor. They must have a reason ... ::looks about suspiciously:: ... and I think it's only too important that a captain has style. After all, they do have Kirk to try and live up to!
Date: 14 Jul 2009 20:48 Title: 'Countdown to Oblivion'
Okay, I changed my mind, thriller turned almost to a horror. (And I like horrors!) Also, I've never known another author who'd be as sadistic. Not only did you created one hell of a cliffhanger back there, now you prolong it! Grrrr. I wonder if the pieces are going to lead to a real team work. Hmm... Well done!
Author's Response:
Coolio. And yeah what's a cliffhanger if it doesn't keep you hanging for a bit. As for team work ...
Date: 14 Jul 2009 20:15 Title: 'Controlled Chaos'
That is a kind of a cliffhanger for which people get killed. Just a kindly friendly observation... For now. ;-)
Author's Response:
LOL! Anna, I have to keep you hooked and wanting to come back for more. Please keep it kind and friendly as I think I'd fear crossing you more than McGregor! ;)
Date: 14 Jul 2009 19:58 Title: 'VIP - MIA'
This is getting better and better! Love Molly!
Author's Response:
I love Molly too. And I love you for reviewing and saying nice things. Blush again.
Date: 14 Jul 2009 19:56 Title: 'Destructive Behaviour'
Okay, that's official. I'm in love with McGregor. :D ::dies at the Vulcan improvisation:: The last time I laughed so hard was when someone suggested it shoud be 'Live long and prosper... bitch'. :D I hope Noah doesn't faint, or he'll miss all the fun. Loved Molly's response -- LMAO!! But the captain simply the best. ::huge smirk:: Terrific writing. :D
Author's Response:
Blush! Blush! And more blush! You're too kind Anna. But thank you sooooo much. McGregor just has a mouth that's liable to come out with anything so it rocks to write him. But of course, we'll see how long you love McGregor for. A bit coming up might soon change your mind.
And yeah, Molly's response is to love but then what else would one say?! LOL. Thanks again.
Date: 14 Jul 2009 19:40 Title: 'A Hostile Environment'
Whoa, whoa! Can't decide if it's a perfect thriller or a cool action movie. I mean story. LOL. It's just that visualization comes so easily while reading this.
Jex seems to be my favorite for the moment. I wonder what comes next...;-)
Author's Response:
I love following how the characters go up and down in your estimation Anna. It's a read in tiself for me. LOL. Love it. And love the reviews. Thanks millions! Especially when you say nice things like the bisualisation comes easy. It comes easy to me too but that's cos it is in my head and I desperately hope it gets across in some fashion to the readers. So thanks very much for words that are way too kind.