Date: 03 Sep 2009 05:15 Title: 'Into the Maelstrom'
I didn't think McGregor really would blow up the Kestrel that easily, but I couldn't figure out what he was doing in the escape pod. I didn't think he was running away, just didn't know what he WAS doing. Nice twist there!
Author's Response:
Thanks. And yeah McGregor wouldn't part with his Kestrel that easy. That said, I don't think he'd ever let it fall into someone else's hands either. So I wouldn't put it past him - just maybe not so early into the story. Glad you liked.
Date: 03 Sep 2009 05:00 Title: 'Controlled Chaos'
Cliffhanger! :O
Author's Response:
Hee hee. Hope it worked.
Date: 03 Sep 2009 04:54 Title: 'VIP - MIA'
I foresee a bit of a conversation between Cartwright and McGregor before all is said and done over this. Words might be exchanged, yep. I'm glad you let us see the exchange from her side of things, too.
Author's Response:
Ah yes, I imagine she won't have taken kindly to what has just happened.
Date: 03 Sep 2009 04:48 Title: 'Destructive Behaviour'
It's a shame T'Hos isn't as smart as he is angry. He broke Evil Villain 101. Never gloat about your brilliant plan to the hero. Shoot him cowardly in the back, and carry out the plan!
McGregor cracked me up in this. He's such an ass. It's somewhat excusable given he really does know what he's doing, as he just showed. Well played.
Author's Response:
Ha ha! Yes T'Hos does fall into the rather pantomime bad guy role a bit with his little speech but that almost makes him a perfect fit for McGregor. But then again his plan is rather gruesome and McGregor's reaction is a little extreme too. Though he does so with a certain flair that I hope makes it enjoyable. Thanks for reading.
Date: 03 Sep 2009 04:39 Title: 'A Hostile Environment'
Guh. Berkley was a serious asshat. People like that get people killed. Worst thing in the world is to be in a fubared situation with an idiot for your backup. I empathize with Becca a lot in that. Hopefully she doesn't have a glass jaw!
I also like the interactions between Jex and Gardner. I bet he's not used to dealing with someone as self assured as a joined Trill. Lots of action in this chapter, very tense. I'm not laying bets on who'll make it out alive and who won't.
Author's Response:
Berkley represents a lot of those paper trained officers with no real idea as to how things really work. I like that you like the Jex and Gardner interactions. What you say is pretty spot on. Poor Gardner probably has enough issues to contend with than such an assured person as Jex working under him. But then again, I think he'd prefer her to the likes of Berkley any day!
Date: 03 Sep 2009 04:26 Title: 'Boarding Party'
Ouch. Nothing ever goes well when it involves a wronged Orion. Noah's getting a real up close and personal intro to what Border Patrol is all about. And as far as the toxin goes? Eww! and Guh! Awesome chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks very much. Yes Noah is getting to learn things the hard way.
Date: 29 Aug 2009 03:50 Title: 'A Commanding Presence'
I was afraid something would happen to poor Noah in this situation. Of course, the crew had no reason to expect they'd be ambushed at the station. I liked the tour of the bridge. You're really good at laying out spatial relations and giving a sense of location. I'm betting this has something to do with the mysterious adversary we glimpsed earlier in the story, begging the question, who is his insider?!
Author's Response:
Thought it important early on to show the ship - the captain speaks so reverently of the Kestrel that it only seemed right to treat it like a character in and of itself. Thank you for the compliment because I rather feel in real life I'm not so good at spatial relations. LOL!
And our mystery adversary and their nefarious plan is about to be revealed ... Thanks for reading and the comments too.
Date: 29 Aug 2009 03:41 Title: 'A VIP Event'
I'm really intrigued by Stanley. I'm a sucker for a character with a mysterious past. I hope that in time we see more of this and discover more, too.
I also like your handling of Trill. As I mentioned in another review, it was a subject they never covered well in the series. The party was a good way to get to meet a lot of characters in a fairly neutral setting before things heat up. Well done!
Author's Response:
Thank you. Hopefully the Trill treatment will bear fruit, these first parts with Jex were easier than some that come later. And have to show the crew letting their hair down before things go a little awry.
And yes Stanley has a very mysterious past. We will see more - but how much more you wil have to read on to find out ....
Date: 25 Aug 2009 01:31 Title: 'An Admiring Admiral'
Really interesting and unexpected. We don't often get to see the issue of addiction explored in Trek fiction. I'm glad to see it tackled head on in this, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Templar faces up to his past.
Author's Response:
Thank you. One of my goals was to show a less polished side to Starfleet as the Border Patrol would be classed as a less glamourous assignment. To that end the crew who walked the corridors of the Kestrel had to be shall we sahll considered less than stellar. And with so many alien influences and rushes I figured not every Starfleet recruit would remain immune to the many vices offered. Sebastian then is my fallen golden boy. Time will tell as to how he faces up to his past mistakes and habits. Glad you liked this slant and found it interesting and unexpected. That makes it worth it.
Date: 25 Aug 2009 01:24 Title: 'A Message Home'
It's interesting, isn't it, how in life we start off being protected by our parents, but as we grow and mature, we find ourselves struggling to protect our parents from our own, insecurities and disappointments? The struggle to live a parent's dream of a life of smooth sailing leads to all sorts of complications of its own, and now we see Noah has a secret. You captured his uncertainty and melancholy really well. Hopefully, experience will bring him some of the confidence he currently lacks.
Author's Response:
Thank you. To be honest, in many ways I could relate to Noah at a time. Uncertainty about life and the future is melancholy unless you shape it to be driven and hopeful. Noah hasn't quite learned that lesson yet, I think his secret is what stops him making that growth. And I'd like to be hopeful on his part, especially as he is the voice for so much of this story, particularly the start. Thanks for reading and reviewing, much appreciated.
Date: 25 Aug 2009 01:18 Title: 'Bedding In'
Hmmmmmm. Lots of interesting little background nuggets thrown into this one that raise lots of questions. I thoroughly enjoy how you parse out small details all along the way without ever interrupting the flow of the action and dialogue.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I had to work on it a lot as I wanted to ground the ship on which they worked but didn't want to just list out the features of the ship. So I had to work in the details as well as work in details about the characters. This is among the first parts of the story that I wrote and secreted over as I mulled over the characters and their histories. I think this one is where a lot of it began.
Date: 21 Aug 2009 22:17 Title: 'But It's a Miranda Class!'
McGregor is a nut, but he's a canny nut. I feel sorry for the new recruits, yet I imagine they are in for a wild ride.
I really liked how you depict Trill consciousness. It's something I would've liked to see more of in the various shows. Continued excellence!
Author's Response:
Thanks again PSGarak for reading. Yes the ride for the new recruits is only beginning. And McGregor has been called a nut before but he'd be flattered you think he's a canny nut [Mind you he is a little egotisitcal].
As for the Trill consciousness, it is also something I'd also liked to have seen more of. I haven't read too many Trek novels and most of the ones I did were TNG or TOS so I've no knowledge of how Trill consciousness is portrayed in the novels. So it is one of my headaches in approaching this tale as I want to tell part of it from Jex's viewpoint. So working on parts for her and exploring her past. Hopefully, I'll manage to pull it off - at least initial feedback from you is favourable [thus encouraging] about early attempts to convey it. Here's hoping.
Again thanks for reading.
Date: 20 Aug 2009 23:13 Title: 'He's an Hawsehole!'
What an intriguing start! We haven't even seen the man in question yet, but I already feel as though I know some important things about him. This is going to make great reading while housebound. I can't wait to see how the plot unfolds.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and responding PSGarak. On top of that, I hope you are feeling better soon and may haps the story so far will help brighten up a bit of your day and you enjoy the rest. As for McGregor, if you read on I wonder what you'll make of him and whether he lives up to expectations. Thanks again for reading and take care of yourself.
Date: 19 Aug 2009 19:16 Title: 'Portents Perceived'
ooh, some elaboration on the vision, and a bit more insight into past visions.
Noah has to put up with Ronak? Poor kid, mind i'm curious about both he and his mother T'Vel and why they're so unconventional.
Author's Response:
Poor Noah - I am kinda making him suffer. I'll have to let up on him. As to Ronak and his mother - more will come on that matter. T'Vel has a story to be told. Just waiting for the righ moment to introduce it.
Yup, there's been other visions and they don't tend to bode well.
Date: 19 Aug 2009 19:03 Title: 'Food for Thought'
'It travelled with McGregor through time and space' *giggle* he's sounding more and more like Dr Who ^.^
Great idea about having the 'Bountiful Bounty Day' with the crew getting stuck in and having a fun celebration before switching to the replicators.
Topped off nicely with Stanley's foreboding vision. Great stuff.
Author's Response:
Thank you. Hee hee. I had to explain the umbrella somehow. And yes how The Doctor is unpredictable and very driven is part of the inspiration to McGregor and how he'll not give up.
To me the Bountiful Bounty Day makes commonsense. I know the ship's have replicators but people always talk about real food tasting more authentic so I figured some captains would prize fresh food for their crews more - plus there's a power conservation thing that McGregor prizes, not to mention all that cargo area space has to be used for something. And although not explained here, McGregor understands that an economy operates on the Frontier and by 'purchasing' food stuffs he helps to support the planets and the people - something he is keen to do.
Glad you liked the vision and enjoying the tale. Thanks for reading.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 15:12 Title: 'A Medical History'
wow :O
McGregor and Rah saved Judy and her father from the Nausicaan attack that wrecked her hitherto happy upbringing.
That's one hell of a way of linking up the crew m'dear :)
Author's Response:
Ah yes. Things have been alluded to but this reveals a little more about McGregor and Rah's past past - if you get what I mean? ;)
Date: 06 Aug 2009 14:43 Title: 'By the Cat's Whiskers'
An interesting way of serving up a message to T'Hos. Not exactly Starfleet but effective nonetheless.
Loving Rah by the way :)
Author's Response:
McGregor doesn't like to be misinterpreted. Maybe not Starfleet but very Border Dog style! ;) And hope there'll be lots more Rah in future editions. He's maybe coming across as the quiet strong type at the moment but he'll get his say soon. Thanks again for reading.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 14:30 Title: 'Second Chances'
An intense and emotionally charged chapter, mind i was expecting that when she was going to tell McGregor what went on.
A great and imaginative insight into the troubled past of most of the other senior staff as well as what akes the captain tick.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. Meant a lot to me to write this chapter as they are both two strong characters. I had to make sure it came off ok. On top of that, we also got some reveals about the different pasts of some of our characters. So glad you liked and pointed that out.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 14:13 Title: 'Not to Dwell on Matters'
So, having acquainted the newbies with some of what I imagine are more salubrious haunts in the area they run into a very unconventional Vulcan science officer.
Gotta keep an eye on T'Vel now lol.
Author's Response:
Salubrious indeed! Maybe not but probably places McGregor likes to haunt. Ha! Love that word. Gotta use it somehow in the same way you did. I can just imagine McGregor dripping it off his tongue in sarcasm! And yes T'Vel is unconventional but you'll have to read more to find out just exactly in what way unconventional.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 13:27 Title: 'The Kestrel spreads her wings'
Leg it out of town before the starbase notices a shuttle missing ... I'll have to remember that one *gigle*
Author's Response:
Well technically he was owed one. Albeit not that one! I have a feeling your Tahlinni wouldn't tolerate such activities from his captains! I guess McGregor just saw it as buy one refit get one shuttle free.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 13:19 Title: 'Taking Stock of the Truth' [A Rogue's Confession]
I wouldn't want to be in the same sector as McGregor when he finds all this out.
A loevly plot twist, Molly's former husband unwittingly helping the bad guys.
Author's Response:
No, I have a feeling McGregor won't react well to this.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 13:07 Title: 'Accommodating Commodore'
hehe, the hunt begins and I'm laughing my head off at the good cop/bad cop combo of Cartwright and McGregor
Author's Response:
McGregor needs a good cop to his bad cop! Ha!
Date: 06 Aug 2009 11:10 Title: 'Into the Maelstrom'
Well, that's one imaginative way of trashing a ship, and an even more imaginative escape plan.
Author's Response:
I'd call it the McGregor manoeuvre but it's only one of his many moves. The hard bit is keeping his actions and moves unpredictable and possibly a little unhinged. Thanks again for the review. Oh and the rating. Woo hoo!
Date: 06 Aug 2009 10:44 Title: 'Destructive Behaviour'
haha where to start with McGregor? loving that erm alternate Vulcan salute as well as generally winding up T'Hos with his nsinuations.
Poker with high stakes by using the self destruct and somehow getting it to activate without Cartwright's agreement.
Cracking stuff.
Author's Response:
McGregor likes to break the rules - including those to do with self-destruct protocols. Yes somehow i doubt McGregor would make the best ambassador to Vulcan with his alternative. But then T'Hos could hardly expect him to be welcoming in such a situation.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 10:28 Title: 'Party Crashers'
"He's a little kitten wrapped in a bag about to go for its first and last swimming lesson."
Charming man *giggle*
Author's Response:
Yes very charming. I'd have him over for dinner any time. Well I wouldn't use the good china.