Reviews For Reflection
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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Aug 2012 10:34 Title: Reflection

I did read Learning to Be! I love how you tied the stories together!

Author's Response:

Anna was gracious enough to let me play in her world for a little while...;-)

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2009 04:59 Title: Reflection

An excellent companion story to the other! Fills in the gaps nicely, and makes it all much more rounded.

Author's Response: Glad it didn't come off as too repetitive. Just can't seem to get the omniscient POV out of my head yet. Oh well, chalk it up to experience - or in my case, lack thereof. LOL! The kind words and support are, as always, greatly appreciated! Thanks, Steff. Cuppy

Reviewer: Gumnut Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2009 02:22 Title: Reflection

Oooh, a behind the scenes type fic. :D This is great to see what the characters are thinking.

I particularly liked Spock's musings at the end. The line where he describes McCoy as his devil's advocate was so Spock, I could almost hear him saying the words.

And the boys! I wanted to join them! I had some serious wistfulness regarding childhood and this time it was accompanied with me assessing the;r mum on her parenting technique (I am so changed now I have my own little girl). Some great stuff.

Thanks so much for writing and elaborating on your story and sharing it with us all.

(prisoner of Ork)

Author's Response: Thanks, Nutty! Thanks for asking me questions about PG that I just had to answer. I had a lot of fun writing the Kirk boys childhood misadventures - conjured up memories of my own childhood, and made me paranoid thinking about what my kids have done unbeknownst to me LOL! Again, thanks for the kind words about Spock sounding true to character - I'm always nervous about that. Your support is an inspiration - and I am plugging away on the story for Anna's challenge - hopefully something will come of it. ;-) G'day to you! Cuppy

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