Reviews For Precious Gift
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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Aug 2012 05:51 Title: Precious Gift

I hadn't thought of it this way until I read this just now. But with Sam gone, and then Spock's life in danger in that episode, it really was as if Spock stepped into the role of Jim's brother. Didn't McCoy even have to say at one point, "There are other people down there in danger" because Jim was so worried about Spock? That's a really powerful insight you had in this story. Yay, more K/S/M to think about!

Author's Response:

Thanks.  I look back on this now and kinda cringe - it was obvious that I was trying to find my way with this medium that was so new to me at the time - but I'm thrilled that the message I was trying to convey came through loud and clear.

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 May 2009 03:08 Title: Precious Gift

Another great one with the Big Three. I don't think it was too emotional for any of them. There's always a fine line one has to walk with Spock, but his characterization came out fine.

Enjoyed it immensely. :)

Author's Response: Thanks for the vote of confidence. ;-) I am always so afraid of screwing Spock up, he being my favorite and all. ;-) And to me, this was a story that just had to be told. We got a sense in the series that this person (don't want to spoil the surprise for those who haven't read it) was important to Jim; I wanted to show just how important, so much so, that I felt compelled to write a companion piece to this, showing Kirk's side of the events. I'm just thankful that they read true to character! Glad you liked it. :-D

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Mar 2009 17:25 Title: Precious Gift

A strong, poignant story. I've already given you my thoughts on it in more depth, but I still maintain that it owns the world that you remembered Sam Kirk and didn't pretend Jim never had a brother or a life. Very few authors do that. I disagree with Nutty (awesome as she is) that Spock could bring up Sybok, and since that was Kirk's POV, I still maintain that your one paragraph would have been jarring since it switched to Spock's for that line alone.

Great story, Cuppy.

Author's Response: Thanks, Steff. That always bothered me, too. We first hear about Sam in WALGMO? and then once he dies on Deneva, it's as if he never existed. That's where this story came from. I agree wholeheartedly - the Sybok paragraph had to go. But maybe a rewrite from Spock's POV? That's my downfall - I want to show what everyone is thinking LOL! That's how HtP morphed into four chapters. ;-) I still have the Sybok paragraph, so maybe if Nutty (or anyone else for that matter) wants to contact me, I'll send it to them. :-D Thanks ever so much for the great beta on this - helped to make it a much better read! :-D

Reviewer: Gumnut Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Mar 2009 03:24 Title: Precious Gift

That was a lovely illustration of the trio friendship with a good emphasis on Spock and Jim. I will admit to wanting to thwap Spock around the head for not mentioning Sybok, but then I would have to admit that STV occurred :D

I thought your characterisation of Spock was really well done, and the initial scene with the crew on the bridge was picture perfect in my brain.

Jim admitting his thoughts on Spock vs Sam as brothers was very revealing.

Thanks for writing. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting my three favourite spacemen.

(prisoner of work)

Author's Response: Thank you, Nutty! There actually was a scene several edits back where Spock thought about Sybok, but it didn't work so I dropped it LOL! Besides, we couldn't have Spock mentioning his brother before ST:V, now could we? ;-). I'm pleased that it read okay - I was worried it might come off as too emotional for Kirk, Spock, or both! I am very new at this, and Spock is my absolute favorite character, so therefore he is the one I'm afraid to write most - don't want to screw him up - so if he came off sounding true to character, I'm pleased - and relieved! Cuppy

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