Date: 04 Mar 2015 17:21 Title: Just the Thing
Oh, a delightful piece. I don't know these characters of yours, but your story made me like them. You made it easy to feel empathy for both the youthful, restless boys and with Melinda as she left her cutting board to listen in.
Great opening phrase. "She could hear their voices through the open kitchen door..." One simply has to read on. And having read on, I can only wonder if they have room for Melinda's dinner.
Date: 29 Jul 2013 22:26 Title: Thunder
Bookending this story with the storm and thunder was sheer brilliance. A metaphor for the emotions each man was feeling: Scotty, grieving and yet not wanting to grieve. And by doing so allowing for a sense of forgiveness for past transgressions, and yet not wanting to forgive. Lost somewhere in between the two. Reeling. Drowning.
Cor: Mad as hell, because Cait had hurt Scotty in life, and was now doing so in death. Wanting to rip that hurt out by the roots; fling it aside and crush the life out of it. Ensure that it wouldn't hold sway over his friend ever again. Wanting to be that life preserver that his friend would cling to, and focus on, that would help Scotty survive this, on so many levels.
That's the beauty of your pieces - none of these things were ever said with words, yet that's the feelings they evoke nonetheless.
Author's Response: Thank you. <3 This one was work to write, even for its length, because... I guess because it's so honest. Because it's love and pain and grief. I really appreciate the feedback on it.
Date: 20 Jul 2013 17:33 Title: Thunder
Wow like a coffee cappuccino short and bitter but so enjoyable afterwards, the more you read of the pair the more you know they've become brothers in all ways.
The use of the poem at the start, along with the finally image of the rolling thunder to close the chapter did the job well to put their worlds back in order.
Author's Response: It's actually a song lyric, but a very apt one. And thank you. They're not quite back to rights at the end of it, alas, it takes a good while to deal with it all, but they're both trying and that's what matters.
Date: 15 Jul 2013 01:22 Title: Thunder
Grief can be an extremely complex emotion, more so when it's mixed with anger or disappointment or a thousand other issues and problems we may have had with the departed. To see, elliptically, that Cait (same name as Chief Barry, no coincidence in your writing, I am certain) was a less than optimal parent makes it even harder.
Scotty can and should express and feel grief. Even a monster of a mother is still a wellspring for one's existence. But that does not excuse everything, of course. He's allowed to feel what he feels, but with him doing his best not to feel anything, that's probably not so healthy.
It's up to Corry to try to yank that out of him. And at the same time, being far from objective, professional or removed, Corry's got his own issues and his own anger at the deceased. He may be insisting on a reaction, but it's tearing at him, too.
Powerful transitions, for both of them, really.
Author's Response: I don't remember how Cait Scott got her name, exactly, because it was years and years ago, but I don't think it was intentional. Though, it is a fascinating thing, regardless. And yes, Scotty's a huge mess right now. Forty-Eight covers a chunk of the reasons why; if only I could finish it. Corry's a mess, too. Thank you. This is one of the most raw, open moments I've written in... heck, a very long time.
Date: 30 May 2013 00:13 Title: Forty-Eight
Oh, no. That is the worst. I could feel his panic setting in as he realized he was trapped and looking to his mom for help, but knowing she was the one who'd trapped him ... and no doubt his smart mind knew the futility of his escape attempt, but of course he tried anyway ... Ouch. Just ouch.
Date: 17 May 2013 18:07 Title: Ground Swell
*Hugs Corry and Scotty*
Okay, enough of that. I adore this piece, as any piece that has Corry and Scotty in it. The setting and atmosphere of this story is beauitfully constructed, everything set up masterfully from the moonlight to the tolling bell.
Corry and Scotty's interplay and dynamics are great, as usual. The way these two communicate without actually saying the words is a true testament to your writing. The body language speaks volumes for Scotty.
Corry's thought's on the war and the way Scotty is handling it is all him. The poetry was a nice touch that helped drive home the deeper meaning of the piece. I very much enjoyed this.
Date: 02 Jan 2013 03:06 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
I don't believe I've read one of yours before properly Steff and I found it fantastically written, the attention to Scotty more so. Further cementing of the Scott legend in ways that perhaps could never have been imagined on screen.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
Date: 01 Jan 2013 02:13 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
A very subtle, low-key but almost tender story about two brothers. It was a short story which defined this character Corry with a surprising amount of detail and your descriptive writing definitely helped to bring me into Corry's world. You make some interesting observations about Scotty's character and I liked how you defined his life's attitude to personal problems (even if told from Corry's perspective). I also like how the ending is sort of a half-resolution; Abby is avoiding her parents but Corry seems to be finally okay with that after teasing out his brother's story (and logic). Scotty's story about the mouse was seamless, it's the sort of thing you hear people of his type recount and it felt so genuine...
All in all one intriguing story, though I didn't get that 'last wolf' remark at the end. Finally this family you have created they're just right; not too dysfunctional or perfect, but ordinary and you write the ordinary very well.
Author's Response: Thank you! Cor's actually been around for quite awhile; in fact, the last wolf of Scotland is a reference to... just about every story after On the Nature of Wind in the Arc of the Wolf.
Date: 01 Jan 2013 00:58 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
Beautifully written, as always. This showcases what I so like about these two - that they can talk without really speaking, and the meaning behind that non-conversation can be understood, and offer quiet support when it's sorely needed.
Author's Response: Thank you! It's one of my favorite things about them, too.
Date: 30 Dec 2012 02:10 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
Goodness, I've missed you, Steff! It's so good to see you writing again. You haven't lost it, that's for sure. These two are wonderful to read about together in any universe, whether prime or mirror. Nicely done, as ever!
Author's Response: I actually wrote this one some time ago and it languished forever. I really appreciate the comment, thank you!
Date: 30 Dec 2012 01:21 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
Note - I come to this story with zero knowledge of your universe so I have no back story whatsoever.
I thought this was a beautiful piece although I suppose I was understandably confused by things. I like the idea of Scotty being separate from ships and space, and having to deal with an imperfect family. And it makes sense to me that he would not sit still and just kinda be on vacation. He'd be up at the crack of dawn, working. I've known many engineers and they all seem to have this mentality.
I particularly enjoyed the metaphoric firefly - the light in the darkness. And it's also a wavering light. 50% of the time, it DOES go out. So when it's out for those brief intervals, Scotty - and everyone else - has to carry on.
Spooky and affecting, loved it.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I adore writing Scotty as a fully-rounded human being, who is a whole lot more than one single ship. I always like it when someone else enjoys it.
Date: 30 Dec 2012 00:51 Title: Fireflies of Scotland
I love Corry and Scotty. It feels so good to read them again. Really liked the deeper meanings here, the exploration of the things that family means that isn't entirely definable ... but it's there all the same. Well done and great to see these guys again.
Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: 14 Jun 2009 18:41 Title: Forty-Eight
I won't pry (unless there is another story I can refer to, to that injury)...but during what ages, exactly, can that kind of injury occur?
Author's Response: Any time in childhood or adolescence; more common in boys than girls, as girls mature more quickly. In this case, the story 'Now' would be a fairly direct reference to when, though. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 14 Jun 2009 05:54 Title: Forty-Eight
Yeah, Corry's probably right, but he's also correct in the assessment that he can't ever ask that question.
The line about Scotty gaining weight made me chuckle for obvious reasons.
Corry's bottled up a huge amount of angst, and Scotty's not even Earthside yet. I've a feeling the real trauma here's yet to come...
Author's Response: I figured there was some reason why Scott gained weight like he did between the end of TOS and the beginning of TMP -- when he was younger, even in TOS, he was so high-wired that he seemed ready to move even standing still. In the movies, he lost that. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 05 Jun 2009 01:06 Title: Forty-Eight
Scotty's a mess. Corry's a mess. Scotty and Corry's families are messes, too. So much for the utopian 23rd century, eh? Well, until they can create a human that doesn't feel pain or emotion, people will keep getting hurt and hurting one another, and by my count, Dr. Soong won't complete that project for another century. ;)
Author's Response: And even that project decides to go the other way. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 04 Jun 2009 23:33 Title: Forty-Eight
At least Corry's grown enough to handle the stress of Scott's injuries better than he did his father's illness. The walking zombie routine is achingly familiar though, for those of us who have been through it.
Nicely done.
Author's Response: Thanks. It's hard writing, this story... which is a big part of the reason why it's not done yet.
Date: 04 Jun 2009 23:21 Title: Forty-Eight
One of the Miracle Worker's first miracles... a few seconds of power, but enough to get them away. And then a wall falls on him.
Tough Day.
I loved how you framed this battle. The people in the engine room have no idea what's happening, only knowing that the ship is under attack and damaged. The bridge crew's so busy nobody takes the opportunity to fill them in. Nevertheless, Scotty gets the job done.
Author's Response: I figured that it's probably pretty rare when the engine room crew actually knows what they're up against. But, perform their miracles anyway. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 04 Jun 2009 11:23 Title: Forty-Eight
That... could have gone better. Scotty's never been one to embrace his grief, but usually Corry was nearby to pull him through. Now there's a war on, Scotty's got a job to do, and there's way too many ways for Scott to lose himself in his work.
Author's Response: Indeed there is, and he's an expert on it. Thanks for commenting!
Date: 04 Jun 2009 11:18 Title: Forty-Eight
Oh, hell. :( Overwork and the war notwithstanding... now this gets dropped into his lap?
Author's Response: Yeah, I would venture that 2248, at least this part of it, is probably up there in 'bad years' when it comes to his life.
Date: 04 Jun 2009 10:59 Title: Forty-Eight
Wow. It appears something may be amiss aboard the good ship Horizon Sun. Here's hoping Scotty (or whomever this is) can find a way out.
One thing's for certain... he's not in the Atlantic anymore.
Author's Response: Yes, that's very much true. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 19 May 2009 13:28 Title: Forty-Eight
::sighs:: I know this is going to sound cruel. But you have to continue. I know you know it. But however hard it may come, don't leave them there. Please.
Author's Response: I won't. Thanks for the comment!
Date: 17 May 2009 19:34 Title: Forty-Eight
I've read all the way through what you've posted so far, but I wanted to leave my comment here because this was the section that had one of the most striking I've seen so far--at least, from a cultural standpoint (I'm certainly not dismissing the action or psychological aspects of this story--which are quite impressive).
What I really liked was seeing the beginning of the society-in-denial that I tend to portray so critically in my own work: Utopia on the surface, but almost in a state of enforce naivete when you really get down to it.
Something I was kind of curious about in this section, as well: I was wondering exactly what it was Callie did that was so hideous to provoke a reaction like that from Corry. I definitely got that she behaved in a way he found offputting, but I just wonder...did Callie end up in that same half-feral sort of upbringing as Scotty? Or is this a whole different thing going on in her case?
Overall, Scotty's parts are interesting, definitely--but I'm really finding it fascinating to watch Corry's reactions as well.
Now, regarding the last section posted (Part V)--is that the point you've written to so far, or do you have more available?
Author's Response: Callie's... an odd case. She's not feral like her brother; if anything, she's the spoiled child. The problem is, she knows that. And feels guilty about it. But because she really sucks at coping with that serious imbalance (that she lived the privileged life, while her brother didn't) she reacts pretty much how she observed her parents acting. She doesn't know, nor does Scotty, that they're only half-siblings or she would probably understand why there's such a painful imbalance there. Since she doesn't, though, her own guilt and some very poor coping skills lead her to emotional blackmail, mostly. And whooooboy, that's a fast way to turn Andrew Corrigan into a lion.
I've written more; I'll get it up eventually. And hopefully write more in this.
Date: 14 May 2009 19:38 Title: Forty-Eight
Very intense scene. Drives home the helplessness of the ship and the insanity of scott's plan.
Author's Response: ::nodnods:: It was... hard actually, writing it strictly from a below-decks position. Thank you.
Date: 14 May 2009 19:34 Title: Forty-Eight
The pain so severe it numbs...that came across really well.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Date: 14 May 2009 19:31 Title: Forty-Eight
Oh, that's just awful. Right in the middle of the war. The things you do to poor Scotty...
Author's Response: In all fairness, I woulda saved him from it if I coulda. Thanks for the comment!