Date: 26 May 2015 11:43 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, of course - please don't think I was displeased with the story! My fault for not noticing that it was incomplete. It is intriguing, interested to see how you explain it. :)
Date: 26 May 2015 01:04 Title: Chapter 1
This is a rather odd story, I have to say. It is a rather confusing one, although some of that is because I suspect it takes place smack dab in the middle of your overall story arc and series. Shifting tenses also made this story somewhat difficult for me to follow (but recognize that I have never been a fan of present tense in storytelling, so your mileage will undoubtedly vary with others).
Of course it is quite the mystery, but then the story just seems to run out of gas. Is there more to it than this? I would like to find out what happened, and whether there is some sort of a logical explanation for the return of Beverly Crusher.
All I can come up with are either alternate universes or possibly an entity mimicking Crusher (either before or afterwards), but to what end? The story leaves far more questions than it answers. If you were looking for a cliffhanger-style enigma, then you have certainly got one.
Author's Response: Thanks for your comments. This is only chapter one. I will be continuing. I always write in present tense as I believe the active tense is good to tell a story. However, in this case, I had to describe some of the back story, so the past participle was necessary a lot. I admit I'm not good at the science aspect. I'm evoking creative licence to write a story. It will evolve as I write more.