Date: 09 Jun 2015 18:04 Title: Chapter 5
And the plot thickens. You've got a good description going on of Spock's disability, and McCoy's need to be the point man to keep him from hurting himself. Disability makes odd bedfellows, eh?
Author's Response: I was the buddy for a blind boy at work. It really gave me an insight ( no pun intended) into the disability. The thought of going blind has always worried me, so I explored it through Spock.
Date: 27 May 2015 01:06 Title: Chapter 2
I do hope that you will finish this piece. As it stands, it is quite the cliffhanger!
I love how Spock's visions are now communicated to Kirk. Could the disease be communicated and shared as well? Curiouser and curiouser.
Author's Response: Yes, more to come.
Date: 27 May 2015 00:59 Title: Chapter 1
I absolutely prefer it when medical conditions are not so readily and perfectly curable. Star Trek often takes the teeth out of medical drama by making the practice of future medicine more or less indistinguishable from magic. I am glad to see you are not doing so here.
Author's Response: I had the same thought. Needless to say, Spock's condition continues .... :)
Date: 25 May 2015 20:29 Title: Chapter 2
Bad reaction, there. I think Spock should have called the doctor.
Date: 13 May 2015 19:51 Title: Chapter 1
Oh no, Spock and his friends are facing a real tragedy here. Spock relieved of duty, and unless the situation changes, he will be forced to leave Starfleet. This is guaranteed to be interesting.
Author's Response: I hope there are a few surprises in store.