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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jun 2009 17:07 Title: Chapter Three - Part One

Well, Steele and Picard are getting along famously.  This seems like just the kind of diversion both of them need right now.  As stated before, I'm thoroughly enjoying your firm grasp of the characters and their interpersonal interactions.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jun 2009 00:44 Title: Interlude II

Oh, yeah... this has got to be Tom Riker.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Jun 2009 00:40 Title: Chapter Two

Ah, so she's a war hero.  I'm guessing she and the Enterprise and others helped fight off the Breen assault on Starfleet Headquarters during the war. 

Sounds like both Steele and Riker have put aspects of their lives on hold... for Steele it was pursing other relationships after the death of her husband.  For Riker... well, obviously, it's his hesitation to move off of the Enterprise (or any Enterprise for that matter). 

You've really grabbed hold of the reigns here with the relationship aspects of these characters, giving the reader terrific insights into parts of their lives we've missed in TNG.  Great work.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 23:35 Title: Interlude I

Someone in custody someplace.  I've got my theories, but I've been wrong before...

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 23:34 Title: Chapter One - Part Three

Picard's been kicked in the teeth and he doesn't even know why.  Riker's acting like a giddy school boy, though I get the impression whatever's going on between he and Steele isn't so simple as a former romantic encounter or relationship. 

Jean-Luc was looking forward to exploring again, and now the carpet's been pulled out from under him for no reason he can discern.

The characters here are spot-on, looking, acting, and sounding as they should.  Terrific work!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 23:10 Title: Chapter One - Part Two

Interesting.  Will's obviously got a backstory with Steele, and Troi's inability to read her is driving Deanna buggy.  The Panthera-class ships appear especially formidable, and it looks like Starfleet is determined never to be caught off-guard by someone like the Borg or the Dominion again.

Not even a full chapter in yet and already my curiousity is piqued.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 22:39 Title: Chapter One - Part One

Crap.  Jellico is involved with a recall of the Enterprise, and under escort no less.  That doesn't bode well for Jean-Luc and company.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 22:19 Title: Inspiration

Moving, haunting, and disturbing all at once. 

Reviewer: ProudNerd Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Apr 2009 03:14 Title: Introduction

Well, I just sat down and read the whole thing in one sitting. Despite the psychological darkness (which I'm never a fan of), this was actually a pretty good story! Great work!

Author's Response: PN: I can say that this review meant everything in the world to me. Thank you for reading it and thank you doubly for reviewing it. I know you like the more lighthearted fare so I'm humbled that you took the time to read this all the way through. Many hugs to you!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2009 09:45 Title: EPILOGUE

A great story that went to some very dark places for the characters of Tom and Toni. At the start, I had wondered whether we would get some sort of fairy-tale ending. Not sure we did, but it an honest and harsh ending that fits the tale you told.

The emotional distraught felt by characters in the story and the process of handling them seemed to me to be very well done. I've no knowledge of counselling or therapy and so can only go by whether it reads as true in the story. To my mind it does and it didn't make for tiresome reading, which could have been if not handled correctly. The fact you found a balance to exploring these emotions and telling a story speaks of the skill and hoinesty of your writing. It seems your research also paid off in dividends. Well done for tackling a very tough subject matter. [Hope writing about didn't put you in a foul mood at the time! LOL]

Kudos too for the resurrection of characters. The use of Jellico was spot on. He was necessary for the story and he was written well. He was a tough ass but also annoying in his lack of patience [pacing constantly] and how he set others on edge.

The exploration of Tom and his history though is what deserves top marks. It is always fantastic to have a fanfic fill in holes and loose ends like this. To ground the character's story even more by linking it to Picard's history, to compare so starkly his experiences with Riker and Deanna, and to have Toni folded into the story as you did made it a very polished finished.

Anyway, well done a great story.

Author's Response: Thank you MF. To tell you the truth - this was a tale that I started and knew that it could never have the shiny-happy ending and have it come anywhere near being believable. Picard's experience with the Cardassians was never followed up on to any real degree in the show (the Borg seemed to win that dramatic plot - with reason) so I felt the need to at least touch upon it here. This was a piece that I actually wanted to make much darker but I realized it may not have been necessary to get the "lesson" out about the subject matter. I wanted to leave a sense of hope for Tom and Toni without making it gooey. These were two friends who shared a very horrific experience and I wanted to show that the two of them still had a lot of work ahead of them in the epilogue. I hope I succeeded in that regard. As for Jellico...he will always be one of my favorite characters - he was an infusion of protocol that TNG needed and I adored him. Still a man capable of great love (as evidenced by the childrens' drawings proudly displayed behind his ready room desk on the Enterprise) he never waivered in his professional, if less-than-senstive, demeanor and no one in Starfleet - not even Picard - had more experience with Cardassian tactics. I was a little worried the readers would want a battle scene with the Enterprise - but it just didn't fit nor would it have been realistic. Thanks for your comments MF. I am very glad you enjoyed the story. t

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Mar 2009 23:34 Title: Chapter Ten - Part One

Jellico is showing just why he is an Admiral and regarded as a hard ass by many fans. His standing toe to toe with the Cardassians and trying to play at their game with subtle tactics. Hope it pays off and doesn't blow up in his face. But he is taking calculated risks but using Picard like rationales. [To my mind ;) anyhew]. Good portrayal of this character BTW.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Mar 2009 23:26 Title: Chapter Nine

“Remind me Commander…” Noyes addressed Riker, “…to remind Starfleet to change the dress code for Admiralty. These shoes were not constructed for comfort on away missions.”

That's a neat little detail. Just thought I'd mention that. Great chase here leading to a climax of some sort. Can't wait to read on. Will do so now ...

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2009 14:51 Title: Chapter Seven - Part Four

But sometimes the only way to kill a spider is to hunt her where she feeds.

Events begin to converge now towards a climax I think. Riker and Steele both have revenge in their hearts but do they appreciate the dangers and betrayal that surrounds them. Not only is it a question of whom can they trust? They must also weigh up the danger their need for revenge might put their friends in.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2009 14:37 Title: Chapter Seven - Part Two

Betrayal and a thirst for revenge. Things are shaping up badly for the crew of the Enterprise. When this all hits the fan there's going to be hell to pay.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Mar 2009 14:23 Title: Chapter Six - Part Two

I thought that was a very true portrayal of someone in Riker's position coming to. Savouring the simpliest and most basic of sensations. Savouring the lack of thirst, having salvia. Neat touches.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Mar 2009 00:05 Title: Chapter Five - Part Three

You keep bowling knock outs! That was a shock at the end. And Steele's ability is curiouser and curiouser.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Mar 2009 23:55 Title: Chapter Five - Part One

Quite intense. Obviously, for Picard it brings up a lot of pained memories. For Riker it is a miracle he's alive but probably incredulous to be on the Big E with Picard, Troi, Steele ... it might help his recovery but it is also going to complicate matters.

Very effective use of an enduring episode. Four Lights alone sends chills up my spine. The spirit needed to overcome such pain and hatred is a lot and for someone to move on and recover from such an experience requires a lot of strength. I hope our characters have it.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Mar 2009 23:49 Title: Chapter Four - Part Three

Riker escapes a tough situation again. Ha ha!

Picard let his fury fly and he stood from his chair and leaned over the table. “No you don’t Admiral! NO SIR! Don’t you dare twist the definition of our own rules to justify the mistreatment of another!” Picard could feel the heat emanating from his own face. “I will not allow us to stoop to that level…or did my reaction to Ba’ku teach you nothing?!” He shook his head, “It’s a horribly convenient definition to say he’s no longer a Federation citizen when it’s the Federation that needs him most! No sir! NEVER!” Picard slammed his hand down on the table and it rocked the room.

A great tirade from Picard. This is what always rocked about him. He'd hold the reserved demeanour and play the diplomat but when it came to the crunch you didn't dare cross him. He stands for the true ideals of the Federation and it codes of honour. I think you did a great job conveying that passion and dedication.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Mar 2009 23:38 Title: Chapter Four- Part Two

Jellico pulled a nasty surprise on the crews and captains. I can see now why Riker and Steele's shared history is going to be very important. I can see a possible avenue in which the story might take.

But beyond guess work romances I'm not sure what's going to happen with this story. The title suggests a dark turn of events and dark motivations. With the Enterprise E and the Big Cats in the picture, I'm predicting touble and fallout. In more ways than one I'd dare say.

Our surprise visitor is going to have an impact on many of the characters and their future motivations. I wonder just how he and Riker can reconcile and relate to one another.

Very interesting interpersonal dramas to be explored here. All this and not a shot has been fired. Yet! Excellent.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 17:48 Title: Chapter Four - Part One

Wow! Amazing twist and I have to say I've always wanted to read a story that dealt with this character. Talk about a possible complication! Great stuff.

Author's Response: Well, I'm very glad you've gotten to the small surprise. I hope you continue to enjoy reading it and I look forward to reading your thoughts as the story progresses. TLS

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 17:42 Title: Interlude III

The repetition of four lights makes me wonder and worry for a certain Captain who might endure a repeat Cardassian stay. Even if not him, it sounds ominious for someone and these interludes provide a sense of foreboding.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 17:40 Title: Chapter Three - Part Two

Picard grinned. “Same sky…”

“Different views...”

“Same cloth.”

Nice interaction between Picard and Steele seeing the similarities and differences between their positions. However, even Steele sounds worried by whatever reason the Enterprise requires an escort.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 17:35 Title: Chapter Three - Part One

Oh la la. Toni Steele's - ahem Antionette- history becomes ever more interesting. Mmm ... Jean-Luc always had a way with the ladies.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 17:28 Title: Chapter Two

"I can’t Deanna. I’ve already told Captain Steele I’d meet her for dinner tomorrow night.”

That's a line that's never going to go down well!

Interesting history here between Riker and Steele. Fate delivered quite a few blows and twists to their relationship. It is nice to see this side of Riker. Either was portrayed a rogue chasing the alien of the week or in the instances of genuine affection towards Troi.

The fact Riker sees the growth in himself since his tour on the Enterprise began is a further sign of his maturity but it does always beg the question as asked here 'Did he get too comfortable? Did he settle?' Despite his protestations I think he did but the character interaction between Riker and Steele on this point is interesting to read.

The interaction between Riker and Troi is a little more wincing! Talk about a tough spot. Get out of that one Riker.

Steele we discover is Steele by name and considering her actions on the Yeager steel by nature.

Will her nature lead her to take chances she ought not to? Also I wonder whether this tale proves an impetus for Riker to move on from the Enterprise and with his relationship with Troi?

Author's Response: Ah Miranda! Good questions indeed. Some will be answered. Some may not. Rest assured Steele's and Riker's history plays an intensely key role in this book...but not for reasons you might be expecting. ;) The foundation of not just their past, but Steele's character was very important for me to lay out. I hope you continue on with the story...for their relationship becomes the impetus of the climax. Her actions on the Yeager are indeed, part of the fabric of her nature. Like Picard and many others in command, I see her as suffering from a "white knight" syndrome... Hope you read further and I hope you enjoy!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2009 16:04 Title: Chapter Two

Quite a start. There's mysteries abounding here. Why has the Enerprise been called back? Why does it need to be escorted by such powerful ships? And just who is it in the interludes? The four lights ring a bell though.

A compelling mystery. Well done. I'm going to keep reading now ...

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