Date: 29 Sep 2014 00:57 Title: A Q Carol
Thank you very much for your feedback. I usually write in the present only because I feel like it gives the impression of being in the heart of the action. This one was actually my first fic . These early writings have inconsistencies so I apologize. The newer ones, Original Sin and Famille are slightly better. Thank you!
Date: 29 Sep 2014 00:09 Title: A Q Carol
What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good Troi/Riker story. I like the Charles Dickens angle; I (like Q) believe that would be a good way to get Riker to stop being a stubborn old donkey and realize that what he wants is not the big seat... it's the woman he's loved for some time now.
One minor criticism, though... I'm not so certain about the other readers here, but I find past tense to be a good bit easier to digest than present tense. I think my personal belief is rooted in reading really young writers who picked up first person from roleplaying on sites like Neopets and Gaia, and who often write very poorly. Your prose is good, and I think you craft a tale very well; you just may isolate some readers or be judged as less mature of a writer by using present tense.