Date: 15 Feb 2021 17:44 Title: Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 2
Once again Katanga never fails to amuse - and every time Star ignores his advice she comes off the worse for doing so. Really a great showcase for the doctor.
Also amusing role reversal with a male character needing to moderate the violence of female characters.
Having captured the valarian may end up providing vital intelligence that Star doesn't realized yet that she needs.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Star needs to get a clue. Start listening to your crew. (Rhyme unintentional). It would make a good mantra though. At least take your doctor's advice. That's usually a good idea. Role reversals of classical gender roles tickle me as well. Although, as far as these characters are concerned, of course, gender has nothing to do with it.
Date: 12 Feb 2021 16:21 Title: Part IV: The Improbable Alliance: 1
Mahoney actually comes off fairly well in this exchange. Very interesting to find out what he has kept hidden and how much of that Leva will be able to anticipate.
You have created a very rich antagonist here. Nice to see some layers of complexity.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Well, that's good to hear, considering how I generally thought that my antagonists in this story felt a little one-dimensional. Although there is little denying that this man has an agenda, even when he's as civil as he appears in this chapter. Thanks.
Date: 11 Feb 2021 14:05 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 10
Probably one of the most gripping of all of your chapters that I have read. And very true to human nature - not to mention completely currently relevant.
While Lam may have other motives to be revealed, the fallacy of sunk costs is on strong display in this chapter, as is false justification and authoritarian overreach.
Just all around superb writing here - kudos!
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Wow, high praise, thank you very much. I've re-read this chapter after your review since I didn't remember all the details. Without tooting my own horn too much, I too enjoyed the back and forth between those two men, each one convinced of the rightness of their cause. I don't spend too much time visualizing my work, but that felt like a scene that would work really well on the screen with the right actors and director. Could be a great little tension piece. Thanks for the kind words.
Date: 10 Feb 2021 20:53 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 9
More Katanga, Please...
We'll see if Star follows his advice, finally. Every lie or offuscation comes at a tremendous cost and they become more costly over time. She's going to have to take her licks - or her crew and those of her former ship will take them for her.
It will be interesting to see if she takes the hard road or the worse one...
Either way, really good storytelling technique to lay out the choices for her in crisp detail before she has to make a move one way or the other.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Always good to have a dear friend spell it all out to you. Hard choices in Tazla Star's future, no doubt. Good thing she doesn't have to deal with it all alone.
Date: 09 Feb 2021 14:23 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 8
Appears that Leva is about to learn a lot more about both Mahoney and Star.
Interesting character development and a good sideline into both Mahoney and Star using Leva's POV.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. Leva is getting a real education of being a first officer. Although, I'm sure not the one he'd expected, considering the players involved.
Date: 08 Feb 2021 14:27 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 7
I have no doubt Star will find a way to even the odds with Mahoney. Of course having West on board during this mission complicates things.
Nice turnaround with Mahoney.
I'm also sure that her absence will cause problems for Owens...
Good story building. Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: You gotta root for Star here, right? As for Owens, absolutely. He's probably going to come to regret his logic in the long run, even if it was a convenient in the short term.
Date: 05 Feb 2021 16:32 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 6
The best laid plans...
The situation is very reminiscent of the Cold War - with both sides propping up provential monarchs and undermining local democratic institutions because it's easier to keep a puppet monarch in line.
Good ongoing development of the Sharval character. And a good sketch of the valerian city. I like the details about the rain - something that was conspicuously missing throughout most series. Everywhere they went the weather was sunny...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Well, give them kudos, at least Ferenginar was perpetually rain-soaked. You can kind of see why rain isn't a big deal in Trek. It's pretty expensive to soak your elaborate sets and probably just as painful to bring out rain machines on location. That's the beauty of writing, no budgetary concerns to worry about.
Date: 05 Feb 2021 16:20 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 5
The great reunion.. this is going to be fun..
As always, Katanga pops off the page as a seriously fun character.
And Tazla may have forgotten for the moment that West is still on board. I'm sure he'll pick up on Mahoney and glom onto him..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Oh, she'll be reminded of it, all right. Love the fact that Katanga remains one of your favorites. He's a lot of fun to write.
Date: 04 Feb 2021 17:47 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 4
Very rich story in here. Certainly relevant with the backwash of the Cold War and its concommittent brushfire wars. I am enjoying the development of both Belore and Sharval as well as the exploration of Valerian culture and description of their technology.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks, glad this is resonating with you. It's hard to write a story like this and not draw real historical parallels. And I'm certainly not trying to avoid them. The fun part is the ability to mix things up and present them in a new context and with a different spin to things.
Date: 03 Feb 2021 15:16 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 3
A case in point why the US requires all officers to complete a bacheors program with science and logic requirements. Officers have to be able to spot logical fallacies - including the hasty generaization, slippery slope and sunk costs arguments Lam is offering. Of course completing such an education is no guarantee of a firm grounding in logic. There is also one non-college route - enlisted personnel entering Officer Candidate School after 4 years of NCO service.
Glad to see these fallacies being explored here. They are not just relevant, but timeless as these are some of the most basic methods we have for fooling ourselves.
Good character development on Wasco as well.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: I'm not going to speculate as to Lam's background or if he's a graduate of the Marines Command School on Andoria (as referred to previously in Star Eagle) or if he's a mustang officers having worked himself through the enlisted ranks. Regardless, I'd like to think that Starfleet and Marines officers and enlisted personnel enjoy a well-rounded education in more than just military tactics. But sometimes, I think, hubris and misplaced loyalty can get in the way of all that. Very much the theme of this story.
Date: 02 Feb 2021 16:17 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 2
And the great love story between Star and Mahoney gets another beat...
This will definitely complicate Owens' job - there goes his backup.
I appreciate the callback to the painting. I saw it in person in the Louvre back in the 20th Century. The French Revolution is a good callback as that war had high ideals and ended up a never-ending, screwed up bloody mess.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I liked the imagery, too. You may have noticed that I do enjoy the occasional callback to classical art in Star Eagle, be that paintings or music. I'm a bit of snob when it comes to more contemporary references, although I have been known to reference the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.
Date: 02 Feb 2021 16:05 Title: Part III - The Olive Branch: 1
Well told space battle with the right amount of technobabble. Space battles are notiriously difficult to write and get boring quickly without some variation. This one had plenty of tactical information while at the same time providing lots of character illustration for both Leva and Mahoney.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Wholeheartedly agreed to your point about space battles. After having written almost 10 space opera adventure novels it's tough to find new angles to the old pew-pew-pew concept. Although, from time to time, I do get inspired. Glad you enjoyed this one.
Date: 29 Jan 2021 17:48 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 9
Good insight on the reporting process since Star has already missed her last best chance to win West over. Also rather clever ruse on Xylion's part, but that may also backfire. Really, anything but leveling with a reporter is bound to backfire. Bound to be a fun time for all...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Fun for all, except Star. You gotta feel a bit for her a bit here, though. Even if she probably doesn't do her any favors with her approach, as you and also Katanga have rightly stated.
Date: 28 Jan 2021 16:24 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 8
The valerians you say? As my mother used to say, the thought plickens...
There's more to these pirates than meets the scanner and the mention of valerians should cause Leva's ears to prick up (so to speak) as he was no doubt aware of Eagle's mission. He will have to adapt quickly to protect his new crew.
Nice dovetail with the A storyline.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: For now, as far as Leva is concerned, this is likely merely coincidence as the Sacajawea is operating in the same sector as Eagle and trading activity would likely involve all the major/minor powers in the area. But I agree, he should take note.
Date: 27 Jan 2021 13:42 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 7
Lam is an interesting character. Very good at concealing his motives, but not able to conceal his intentions. Owen and party at risk. Time to talk to Metral...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I think Lam has just made it clear that he'll be a tough nut to crack. Owens likes to see himself a more than decent diplomat, let's see how far that gets him with a career military man.
Date: 26 Jan 2021 17:51 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 6
Interesting character development with both Leva and Mahoney. Always enjoyable to see a character played as an individual and not a stock villain or other stereotype.
Apparently Mahoney can be a little bloodthirsty..
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed this and my attempts to make my antagonists relatable. Or if failing that, at least give them a bit more depth. In hindsight I do think I could have done a bit more to try and move away from the villain stereotype in this story but overall I like how the thing turned out overall.
Date: 25 Jan 2021 18:45 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 5
And the grimy side of human nature - and, apparently, andorian nature. Of course there are plenty such stories about the behavior of U.S. troops in foreign lands for those who can stomach hearing them. I know a fair number of veterans. Not all of their stories paint us in a good light.
Actually a common development in human psychology - the prison guard effect. I'm sure you're aware of the famous experiment that had to be shut down because of the behavior of the students/test subjects.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Yes, the Stanford Prison Experiment. Not sure if this consciously fed into this when I wrote it, but bad behavior by those you trust to do the right thing, definitely did. And there are far more examples of that then there should be in real life. I like to think this is far less common in Starfleet, but as we can see here, not entirely unheard of either.
Date: 22 Jan 2021 18:54 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 4
Superb mood piece. Gives a real feel to a side of Star Fleet rarely written about. What if you have a captain who is a nasty piece of work? Under normal circumstances, they would be RIFed out. But in this depopulated SF, no one is getting RIFed.
Newheiser promises to be as entertaining as Katanga, in a very different way. Creepy doctors make for great stories.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words and glad I've been able to set the mood appropriately here which is obviously very different to what we've seen on Eagle where officers will apparently break out in spontaneous song on occasion.
Date: 21 Jan 2021 13:03 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 3
Yep... These people have turned.
Never a good idea to turn down an armed escort in a war zone. You never know whom you might need protection from.
Interesting story, reminiscent of Pacific island wars still in full combat after the end of WWII - and the Battle of New Orleans.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Owens is my hero captain, so I obviously have a soft spot for the man but you're right. Some of his decisions are questionable. On the other hand, the man likes to see himself as a diplomat and I guess the optics of meeting a marines commander with an armed escort are probably not ideal.
Date: 21 Jan 2021 12:55 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 2
And all is well on the Sacajawea under the marvellous leadership of Mahoney and Newheiser...
Very interesting portrait of the grimy underbelly of Star Fleet. Makes me wonder who angled to get Leva assigned and whether they had his best interests or Star Fleet's in mind.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Definitely explains why Leva was not told of his new assignment before hand. Administrative oversight or purposeful ploy? Who knows? What I can say, however, is that things are going to get interesting.
Date: 20 Jan 2021 13:29 Title: Part II - The Never-Ending War: 1
Somehow I suspect Lam is not about to give up his private war. Gratifying that Matrel appears reasonable. I would expect him to be aware of whatever Lam values on the planet and to try to keep it as well.
I wonder how the Valerians feel about all this. Katanga, as always, just pops off the page.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: The Valerians will factor into this quite a bit as well. And Lam, well he's a man very much set in his ways. We'll have to see what that means for Owens and company.
Date: 19 Jan 2021 14:29 Title: Part I - The Elusive Peace: 7
And Mahoney is back with the Sacajawea.. This is bound to get interesting. Probably the last thing Mahoney wants is a serious career officer who is bound to shake things up.
SF must be in a bind to not RIF Mahoney out and leave him in command.
In the current US Navy, about 30% of the officers come in through OTC instead of Annapolis. During wartime, that percentage tends to go up. I would assume a similar dynamic at SF.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Starfleet is struggling to keep things together in this immediate post-war period. Ships all over the fleet are severely undermanned and the Federation has just committed itself to launch a full-scale rebuilding effort after Cardassia was very nearly wiped off the face of the galaxy while at the same time having to deal with a Cardassian insurgency by military hardliners. The war was bad, but things aren't getting much easier. The upshot is, they'll need every person they can get, including the likes of Mahoney.
Date: 15 Jan 2021 14:34 Title: Part I - The Elusive Peace: 6
Star was only slightly more adroit. Really the only way to handle a journalist is to be as open as possible and explain why certain material is classified. Journalists have a native suspicion that information may be classified for political reasons or personal embarrassment instead of security reasons. And they're not always wrong.
It looks like she may have missed her best chance to manage the situation through diplomacy. But most people are as suspicious of journalists as journalists are suspicous of them. Sometimes for good reason. Interesting story brewing...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Oftentimes in order to introduce drama and conflict, you have to get people into situations they are not well equipped to handle. And Star is defiitely not dealing well with this unforeseen threat to her position. But she's also smart enough to know how to overcome mistakes. Let's find out if its enough to get her out of this one.
Date: 14 Jan 2021 16:35 Title: Part I - The Elusive Peace: 5
Gul Belore makes a good first impression. This looks like a fun and perhaps cross cast character.
And while I know Leva returns to the Eagle, it looks like he's in for some rather nefarious adventure of his own.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I'm fond of casting against type, so to speak. Not all Klingons, Cardassians, Romulans are one thing. People contain multitudes as the told trope goes. Sci-fi and Trek sometimes forget this. We'll have to see what that means for Belore going forward.
Date: 13 Jan 2021 16:08 Title: Part I - The Elusive Peace: 4
A little levity with the lieutenant general - and I have a suspicious Lam isn't going to turn out to have remained the general that Wasco and Nora recall. The set up is just too classic...
Really nice character development with Nora and Star. And more than a little Spock/McCoy banter in this episode.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I think the crew feels pretty good about itself at this stage, the war is finally over and everyone is able to breathe a big sigh of relief. And that is manifesting itself in different ways. Things won't stay quite as light-hearted going forward.