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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2014 21:36 Title: Chapter 1

That started as a humble piece as Kirk sits in the centre seat of his beloved lady as they gut her and rebuild her from the frame up. The arrival of Scotty and the two interaction feels genuine as they both go through the motions of trying to pretend it another day and they be other opportunities but like Scotty we know Kirk and the Enterprise are a pair, just like his predecessor Pike and April were before him.

Kirk in t-shirt and jeans looking up at spacedock while sipping his whisky and recording what he though were his final thoughts on Enterprise were well craft and I could picture that scene with great clarity, which is a tribute to your writing skill.
Then your little epilogue scene as Kirk is recalled to replace Decker and take the Enterprise back against the unknown threat of V’y’ger end this story on the right note.

Well Done all round on this story piece.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2014 00:10 Title: Chapter 1

"Just a ship", indeed. Who is Kirk kidding? Certainly not Mister Scott. Only eighteen months, and Kirk is finding his way back aboard. He'll be wishing that he had kept up the new Enterprise specs as he stumbles his way around the unfamiliar ship. But something tells me that he will make out just fine.

Those were nice moments on the torn-down bridge with Jim and Scotty. And how thoughtful of Scott to give him the dedication plaque. Might it end up on the wall of Jim's apartment, nestled among the antiques? Something to look at on those lonely nights when he sits there, sipping his Scotch.


Author's Response: If you have the book "The Art of Star Trek" there is a nice picture of Kirk's collection, and the dedication plaque from the Enterprise is clearly among Kirk's treasures.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2014 18:01 Title: Chapter 1

Oh this is cool. I thought it was going to be a sombre piece about saying goodbye to the Enterprise and it was that but the end gives it all a soaring moment as we lead directly into the Motion Picture.

I really liked the scene between Kirk and Scotty. The two of them had the biggest connection to the ship itself. Scotty obviously more so but Kirk more than he would like to admit. I liked your intrepretation of the interaction between Kirk and Scotty. There's a certain camraderie between them but one that's also less than fulsome too. I especially liked that Scotty admits to Kirk that he punched the Klingon for insulting the ship not for insulting Kirk! LOL! That got a good chuckle from me.

It often struck me that both men owe more loyalty to the ship than to each other and I think that carries over nicely here. Their respect for one another is channelled through the way they treated and served the ship.

Author's Response: Thanks. This was originally intended for the Getting Old weekly prompt, but it took a different course when I started writing it. I like where it ended up. Scotty actually came clean in "Trouble With The Tribbles", but mentioning it seemed appropriate. You cant probably isnult Scotty's mama and get off easy, but insult the Enterprise and that will get you a whoppin Scottish style.

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