Date: 16 Jun 2014 23:01 Title: Chapter 1: Curiosity Begs the Question: in the beginning
Good for you, Will! No storks. Tell her as much of the truth as she can handle at her tender age.
Author's Response:
Thanks M C! I wanted Riker to be truthful to his daughter. No sugar-coating a story. Just facts. But in a way she could understand them without going into too much detail. Hope I did a good job getting my point across.
Date: 16 Jun 2014 19:33 Title: Chapter 1: Curiosity Begs the Question: in the beginning
The Riker manoeuvre I almost thought for a moment. How would Riker try to avoid this question. Nicely done and very sweet.
Author's Response:
Ha ha MF! Originally when I wrote the title I was actually going to write something along those lines, but my mind insisted on this cute fluff piece instead. I may go something darker for the rest of the challenge, depending on what the prompts are.
Date: 15 Jun 2014 23:31 Title: Chapter 1: Curiosity Begs the Question: in the beginning
Nicely done, yes a question no adult wants to answer.
Still Will Riker handles it well.
Well Done.
Author's Response:
I actually imagined telling my own children someday about this exact conversation. Though when I do have my own children, I don't know if it'll come out quite like the way Riker said it. Glad you liked this. May switch gears for the rest of the Prompt challenge, depending on what the next prompt is.
Date: 15 Jun 2014 21:15 Title: Chapter 1: Curiosity Begs the Question: in the beginning
This is harder than the Kobayashi Maru! Well done.
Author's Response:
Thanks jes. It was actually harder than I thought writing this. As I wrote it, I could literally feel Riker's embarrassment. I hope I did a good job at getting the point across. I may switch gears for the rest of the prompt challenge.