Reviews For The Road To Zhora
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Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2014 01:21 Title: Chapter 1

That was touching, and brought back vivid memories of having my own children.  While my oldest was stubborn and took 36 hours to be born, I literally almost had the middle child in the car.

You set the scene really well - I could feel the crisp, winter air, see the snowflakes dancing before the headlights, carried along on a stiff winter breeze, and felt the slush under the wheels as the groundcar tried to navigate slush-covered roads.

I also enjoyed the parallels to our own Earth tradition of Christmas -- no room at the inn, the child being born in a garage (stable, where the means of locomotion and travel were kept in ancient times), and the allusion to Saint Nick in the person of Jondar - his bushy gray whiskers and 'sleigh' full of presents.

I'll admit that I'm not familiar with this world you have created, but I would like to think that Spock would not be so petty as to hold the circumstances of her birth against his granddaughter, and for a man who had issues with his own father for the better portion of his life, it would just seem logical for him to do what he could to get along ith his own daughter - to let bygones be bygones and not push her away as Sarek did to Spock.

My fault, I know, but I would like to know more about this planet, where it is located, why T'Beth is being sent on this mission given her condition, and more about Jondar.  Is he human, or of some other race?  And the baaby's father - I'm sure that's explored elsewhere, but I'm curious as to why T'Beth feels the need to go through this alone. 

Lots of food for thought on this one, and questions that I'm sure can be answered by your other works.  Nice image, too - glad you got a good handle on how to include them. ;-)

Author's Response:

Oh my gosh, I just wrote a big response to you and entered it as a review! How annoying! I'll try again...

Thanks for the remarks! The reasons why T'Beth has hidden her pregnancy from Spock are spread over several stories. Because of a permiscuous past, she mostly she feared slipping in her father's eyes, but she might have told him if he were not in a prison where his coms were reviewed by the staff. She's had other chances, in person, but chickens out. Maybe she thought she might miscarry along the way and no one need ever know. Meanwhile, she has only made matters worse by keeping silent. 

T'Beth is a member of Starfleet assigned to Sydok because of her unique knowledge of Donari language and culture. She does everything she can to foster peace between the formerly warring sister planets, including advising Lord Sa-Beron while she is enjoying her own Counting Day.  Her grandfather Jondar Jo-Ree is pure Sydok. A reading of "The Ancient Arts" will explain how Bethany came about and why T'Beth does not invite her father to the birth. It's not an overly long story.

Yes, thanks so much for helping me learn to load an image. I love, love, love including them!




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