Date: 29 May 2014 08:38 Title: Death On Donatu 5
Mistral, I must say this is a wonderful story you’ve woven together. I thought that Rick’s emotions were really the highlight of this fic. I could see myself in the debris with him as the ship overhead exploded into millions of pieces. I could see the Klingon Cruiser as you described it, crashing down to the planet. I can clearly see his dislike towards the Klingons. His emotions are running very high since he thinks its the last moments of his life. My question is: Did he live? Or did he pass away? I’ve found this story a very good read and everything came together so well. Gut-wrenching but again wonderfully haunting story I could really feel like I was there. Thanks for sharing this.
Date: 04 Mar 2014 23:07 Title: Death On Donatu 5
Rick died bravely. Very well written.
Date: 03 Mar 2014 02:07 Title: Death On Donatu 5
A last stand against the Klingons during a time of terse conflicts. Nice planet bound perspective here even if it does not end well for everyone.