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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Mar 2014 19:58 Title: Chapter 2

Well that was an interesting take in the tail end events of STIV, I think you do a good job of switching between the two character viewpoints. Lauren fears of what she will discover about her and reborn Spock past and current relationship are well hint at, the story does feel rushed and both Lauren and Spock’s relationship and inner turmoil feel natural.

I think you do a good job of using Rand, Kirk and McCoy as secondary characters and use their relationship with either Spock or Lauren to add to the emotional baggage that seems to be stopping them saying what needs to be said.

Spock’s reaction to returning to Starfleet accommodation and then break into his sealed quarters felt right and then how you focus on trying to work out his memories and emotions at seeing all old possession was well written.

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Author's Response:

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Feb 2014 05:17 Title: Chapter 2

No, happy ending or final resolve here, and to ask for it as this stage would probably ring untrue to these characters. But clearly both Spock and Lauren seem to have overcome their most severe demons. Especially the human. I was glad she decided to reach out to him at the end as I'm not sure he would have done so.

The first step has been taken to possibly rekindle a relationship which may help heal both of these somewhat broken characters.

Well done.

Author's Response:

Thanks! Spock definately is "not skilled in matters of the heart".

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2014 01:11 Title: Chapter 1

An intense character study of our favorite Vulcan and his family troubles. The period is very interesting and the first thing that struck me is the change Spock has gone through since his resurrection. I believe this was hinted to in the movies mostly jokingly (it's been a while since I watched them) but the impact of death, resurrection and sharing his mind with McCoy must have taken a serious toll on Spock as you expertly reveal in this story.

I'm not familiar with your series and the non canon events which have led to this point and yet it wasn't necessary to be fully clued up to appreciate the hard decisions Spock has to make here.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind input!

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2014 20:15 Title: Chapter 2

I like the ambiguous ending. It can't be easy for people of different species (even someone who is part, as Spock is), to be able to connect. I have often wondered how Sarek and Amanda could do it.

Well done, and food for thought.

Author's Response:

Just another comment. In your first remarks you mentioned that the story might be post "The Undiscovered Country" as well as post "The Voyage Home". It is actually well before "Undiscovered Country". I'm wondering what made you think that it might be in the timeframe after "Country". I have an upcoming story that directly segues in with "Country" called, "The Time Will Come". But first, a lot of water will pass under the bridge. Incidentally, if you read my series you will eventually find out how that Chagall painting came to be in Spock's shipboard cabin. It will soon make it's first appearance in my series and will figure into many future stories.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2014 20:04 Title: Chapter 1

The story opens well, and the aftermath of ST: IV (The Voyage Home) is a great time period to explore. It seems as if some of the time period is post-ST: VI (The Undiscovered Country) as well.

And what of Lauren and T'Beth? I confess I have not read your other works, but it did make me wonder. Is Lauren T'Beth's mother? If not, then who is? It strikes me that Lauren isn't the girl's mother, which begs the question of who is, whether that woman remains alive, and why she's seemingly abandoned T'Beth.

Doris seems like someone who is all too eager to pull T'Beth over to the human side of behaving. Is she? Can Spock trust her? You've set up a lot of conflict and several questions in short order.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. You've asked a lot of questions that can be settled by reading the series "Star Trek: Beyond" in order. All the answers are there, waiting. When you learn who T'Beth's mother is, and how T'Beth was conceived, you'll have a better understanding of the girl's troubles.

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