Date: 29 May 2014 22:50 Title: One Night Out
Hmm, I suspect something fishy as opposed to Hank's earlier run of bad luck with women. I kinda think Kayla was up to something and had an ulterior motive for 'getting seduced by Hank'. Chiefly, perhaps, getting access to the Admiral's private room? That or something to do with the Bynars - I mean, why would they need computer assistance???
Date: 28 May 2013 00:59 Title: One Night Out
Wow! That was strange! And the waiter was right; women are strange creatures if Kayla is anything to go by. Why did she leave like that? Was it purely to torment Hank? Is the universe so against Hank finding love and a relationship that it will torment him like this?
Date: 25 Feb 2009 22:45 Title: One Night Out
HANK....My poor darling Hank!!! I suspect foul play if the Bynars are involved. Beautiful women that disappear?....I'm just sayin'
Author's Response:
Actually I never made that connection till just
Date: 25 Feb 2009 22:11 Title: One Night Out
Oh, poor Hank. I woulda danced with him, for certain, and at least given him a reason as to why I left. Though, there's probably more to the woman's story than that. Great use of the challenge, Zach!
Author's Response:
Indeed there is. This story actually will tie into Book 3 of the Pearl. The woman, Kayla has already had a brief mention (by name) in book 2. The name was not chosen arbitrarily.