Date: 01 Aug 2014 22:48 Title: Chapter 3
Whew. Man, things are bad on the planet and bad for multiple people in multiple ways. I love the interplay between Scotty and T’Beth, something we haven’t seen a lot of in the stories leading up to this. I’ve wanted to see them interact more and here, we get plenty. Scotty is a bit of a softy and T’Beth may not think much of them, but the two definitely have an understanding, even if it’s more a “I’ll whip your tail if you try to escape again” type thing.
I’m glad Scotty was wise enough not to untie her or let her tears sway him in any way. Yes, she really didn’t want to go back but Scott had no choice but take her back in such a condition. After all, she really left him no choice. I can sympathize with her but I absolutely am for Mr. Scott playing the tough uncle.
The frank conversation between McCoy and T’Beth was well portrayed, especially the two’s movements. You really nailed the right blend of internal thoughts, plus actions, between the two and it gave the conversation a nice dimension. McCoy ends up telling the whole truth and T’Beth takes it remarkably well, considering.
The ending of this story has Spock back in command, T’Beth and he on seemingly good terms, and Spock and Lauren possibly developing into something more. Here’s hoping the worst has passed for Spock. Life seems to be heading in a better direction now.
Author's Response:
Thanks. It was fun writing for Scotty and his troublesome charge. Scotty was tough enough to stand up to her, that's for sure. He was feeling mighty cranky down on that planet.
Yes, Spock's covered some difficult ground, and it was good to see him giving Lauren credit for her actions. Of course he'll never come out and say, "I want to stay aboard this ship because you're starting to mean one helluva lot to me."
Date: 01 Aug 2014 22:21 Title: Chapter 2
The discussion between T’Beth and Spock is pained for both parties, but it’s totally and absolutely necessary. The truth must come out and McCoy was very clever in leading the girl to the questions that would ultimately lead to the truth being revealed by Spock, which was the result McCoy wanted all along. He knew it wasn’t his place to tell this particular truth but he did enough to get the ball rolling, so to speak.
T’Beth comes across in that discussion as a wounded child, not someone who’s lashing out in anger or working an angle. It’s really a vulnerability she has struggled to show and, much like her father, she would rather show anything else but vulnerability. Still, the way she looks at Spock, her eyes wavering, is well-written and very evocative.
And then Spock does tell her most of it and T’Beth reacts angrily, as she’s want to do. The girl has some temper and the way she arrives at what she’s going to do is swift and locked in from the first moment she gave thought to it. I can’t believe she just beamed down (and that Spock went after her in his condition) but it’s a testament to how she feels: she feels abandoned and unwanted, so why not get away from it all?
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review. T'Beth is indeed a clever child, and her turbulent emotions lead her to impulsive acts. I wonder how Spock would have reacted to her beam-down in his right mind? Stardust has made him as impulsive as his daughter. His beaming down after her shows how much he loves the troublesome child.
Date: 01 Aug 2014 21:19 Title: Chapter 1
Man, when Spock decides to do something, he goes and does it. He’s never been one to shirk from a decision, though I have to wonder if it was even a wise idea to let him go in his state: I think Jim was thinking the same things. Spock’s current health, combined with his drug use, can’t be something that lends itself to composure and control. You choeregraph the way he begins to lose control well in his scene with T’Beth, which was doubly meaningful for Spock. He wouldn’t want his daughter to suffer like he did from the end of that whip. T’Beth, though on Vulcan, is still as volatile as ever.
McCoy taking charge of her was a stroke of genius on his part. If there’s one man on the ship that knows how to deal with moody women, it’s Leonard H. McCoy. His past wife (and his daughter) probably got some volatility in them (I’d imagine they’d have to for McCoy to take to them) and the country doctor’s old-school ways are exactly what T’Beth needed, I feel. Plus, the two genuinely seem to have fun with one another, which is a good thing.
McCoy’s thoughts on telling T’Beth the truth are the right feelings. She really should know, especially before it becomes a problem that she can’t control.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the comments! Yes, Jim was certainly uneasy about Spock beaming down to Vulcan alone. And with good reason, for Spock does indeed start losing his grip while dealing with his difficult daughter.
Good old McCoy, always the healer, tries to patch up the situation between T'Beth and her father. Good luck on that one, but as you say, at least McCoy and T'Beth seem to have some positive rapport.