Reviews For Not Too Soon
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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Oct 2012 02:52 Title: Not Too Soon

I love it when calm, orderly people have to deal with the reality of life with children! Very well done!

Author's Response: Thanks! Children are a joy for just such reasons. <3

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 May 2009 23:58 Title: Not Too Soon

The little guy is just darling! Poor Sarek didn't know he would have a "human" baby on his hands. ;)

Very touching. :)

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2009 02:36 Title: Not Too Soon

As I mentioned before on the TrekBBS, I really enjoy these insights into the everyday lives of the characters that seem so much "larger-than-life" in the series.  And I still find it very amusing that Sarek apparently did not consult any materials on raising human children...a little presumptuous, that! ;-)

Author's Response: Just a little! Thanks much for the comment!

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Feb 2009 11:50 Title: Not Too Soon

I was re-reading this, and a thought occurred to me. You mothers have an edge over the rest of us, which kinda makes it an unfair competition. ;-)

Still love your Spock here... :-)

Author's Response: I know you don't like my Sarek. ;-) But on the upside, this isn't my typical fare. Still, I'm very glad that you like little Spock, who in retrospect seems to jive with your own version as being (for those first few years or so) a happy baby. Or, at least, a very loving one. Thanks for the note!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2009 18:44 Title: Not Too Soon

As a (fairly) recent father myself I understand the sentiments expressed here completely. Loved this, really touched me.

Author's Response: Thanks, I appreciate it!

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