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Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2014 00:03 Title: Mean Mr. Mustard

Hmmm, interesting. And here we go again, warp eight to Sha Ka Ree. I wonder what will happen when Sybok meets Spock-Quinto. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2014 19:25 Title: Across the Universe

So this is TFF a la NuTrek. I love.

Author's Response:

Aw, many thanks!

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 23:36 Title: Across the Universe

Now that is a very nice conclusion, the wounds are healing in un-expecting way and maybe the future will be better. What a nice way to end, I do hope we get to see Eriecho wedding day.

Author's Response:

At some point, I will write that. Thank you again for your kind reviews.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 23:33 Title: Two of Us

O that is nicely done Jespah, you’ve manage to fix Spock Prime, Sybok AOS and Eriecho, though I do wonder what Eriecho Prime fate was now.

Eriecho learn the hard lesson and finding that those who care will accept her for who she truly is, suppress emotions or not.

Author's Response:

I don't know what Eriecho Prime would have been like. Probably just your standard Vulcan gal.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 23:27 Title: Twist and Shout

Poor Eriecho, she seems to be snapping at her closest friends because of Sybok influence and her own self-doubts. You’ve done a great job of weaving this tale.
Spock Prime vs. AOS Sybok should be…interesting.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 23:12 Title: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

Sybok vs. Eriecho, this is just getting better and better.
Plus the return of T’Bek, who I think you use to great effect to show Eriecho inner turmoil, and the normal Vulcan bad feeling towards the V’tosh Ka’tur.

Author's Response:

Well, it was YOUR idea that Eriecho would be getting suppression training. So, thank you for the plot bunny!!

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 22:59 Title: I Am the Walrus

So the temporal twist of the AOS Butterfly is showing, will we see Sybok and Eriecho together in the near future? Everybody voice sounds right and it’s already better that STV ;-)

Author's Response:

Ha, thank you - I realize the bar was set kinda low.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 22:46 Title: I Saw Her Standing There

Oh poor Eriecho, trying to fit in and not just been who she is. Again you’ve done a good and I believe realistic look at how Eriecho time as the sanctuary outsider has began to affect Eriecho self views. Here hoping her friend can reach her in time with the message be yourselves.

Looking forward to the next part.

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 22:25 Title: Mean Mr. Mustard

Good opening tease as always, Prose and language use is up to your normal high standards. Looking forward to seeing where this go.

Author's Response:

Thank you!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 20:49 Title: Two of Us

Nice neat little resolutions all round here. So good to see Eriecho see a truer path for herself.

Author's Response:

She's learning that her assumptions of what Sollastek wants, and what he needs, aren't necessarily correct.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 20:44 Title: Twist and Shout

Aha, so Eriecho is willing to go on the adventure. Sybok has an influence but it does not seem as nearly as nefarious.

Author's Response:

He is definitely different. He's nowhere near as far-gone as he is in canon. So why not go out there and see what there is to see? What could possibly go wrong?

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 20:38 Title: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

Ha! Great retort. Sybok is bound to be a nuisance on any sanctuary. One wonders if he has a choice here? Is he permitted to leave the sanctuaries of his own violation? Does he have to be with other Vu;lcans simply because they were almost wiped out?

And this might be the wake up call for Ericho. She can choose to reject the suppressing of her emotions.

Author's Response:

To learn that someone is like her, and is so deliberately? That's powerful stuff, for someone who has had so little independence, and been trusted to make so few decisions, in her own life.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 20:06 Title: I Am the Walrus

A different course seemingly to be followed by Sybok. A more peaceful path chosen. Perhaps for now.

Nice to see Uhura tackle Prime Spock about their prime relationship. She is obviously thrown at the fact none exists as in the NuVerse. More of this scene would have been fantastic. Again, it is a relationship I'd love to see explored in and of itself in a response. Here within the story it has to be briefly touched and glanced over to get on with the main story.

Author's Response:

I realized the story was getting rather long, so unfortunately this piece ended up being shorter than it probably should have been. But I've been wondering why she hasn't asked about this in canon. Why wouldn't she?

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 19:51 Title: I Saw Her Standing There

Eriecho feels some need or compulsion to make herself more Vulcan. That is quite disconcerting. It also might make her ripe fruit for any of Sybok's mantra come the time. Is she having a crisis of faith? WHy does she feel the need to make herself more Vulcan? All interesting questions for us the reader to ask and ponder as the story develops.

And one imagines the last meeting between Sybok and Sarak did not go over well. However, it is hard to argue with the sentiment to remain a child for as long as possible. The world's young seem in such a rush to grow up that this sage advice is ever pertinent.

Author's Response:

Here we have Sybok as the rebel child, the disappointment.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 19:44 Title: Mean Mr. Mustard

Very intriguiong and interesting to have an exploration of Sybok in the AUverse. I have to say, the Prime Spock moniker did throw me a little as being a bit too meta in-universe, however, I dare say there is a need to somehow name and classify this other Spock. And although I sense this story is going to be about Sybok, I'd be rather intrigued as to the meeting between AU Sarak and Prime Spock.

As in the Prime Universe we get a lot of similarities with Sybok's path - Sha ka ree, Nimbus III, etc. Will this Sybok be as manical and charismatic and dangerous? And given that NuSpock is planning to actively seek him out, will it make him ever more suspectible to said manipulation?

Author's Response:

... stay tuned ...

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 04:41 Title: Across the Universe

*aigh*  Perfect ending.

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks, and thank you for reading.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 04:38 Title: Two of Us

That was satisfying.  Through the forgiveness and resolution of issues between Sybok and his family, Eriecho is able to realize on her own -- without others preaching to her -- that family is the most important thing, and you only need concern yourself with the people who love you for who you are, not who they expect you to be.

Author's Response:

Yep; she's confirming to herself that not everyone who judges her actually matters.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 04:21 Title: Twist and Shout

THAT was what I've been waiting to see -- Eriecho standing up for what she believes, and calling the others who disapprove of their little group what they are -- petty, uncompromising bullies who haven't the faintest idea of what IDIC is supposed to mean.

Will she get to go?  Will Sollastek let her?  Will he go, too?  I agree -- you only live once and this experience could teach Eriecho once and for all who she is, and to not fear that knowledge, but embrace it.

Author's Response:

She's also realizing that she's traded a prison for a gilded cage.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 03:58 Title: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

And the sparks are flying already.  I like it! :-D  Something tells me those two are gonna shake up this little slice of heaven, indeed.

Author's Response:

I just see him played over the top, roaring all the time, grinning, and back slapping.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 03:49 Title: I Am the Walrus

Hmmm.  Not quite as powerful as he was in the Prime universe.  I think he'll have a difficult time manipulating Vulcans  on a resettlement colony.  Of course, he IS Sybok, so this could just be a ruse; a way to bide his time and get closer to what he really wants...

Author's Response:

He's younger and, yeah, he's a bit different from what he was (as they all should be).

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2014 03:19 Title: I Saw Her Standing There

Ouch!  I'm sensing a trend here.  NOOO!!  Don't do it, Eriecho, not for them.  They won't appreciate it, or you, no matter how masterfully you accomplish it.  It will take Sybok (and perhaps Spock Prime) to talk some sense into her, methinks. ;-)

Author's Response:

... perhaps ....

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jan 2014 22:10 Title: Across the Universe

A feel good ending here, along with song and dance. And yeah, you're not going to teach a dog new tricks, especially if we're talking about old, conservative Vulcans, but clearly there is hope for the new generation to find new ways and ultimately survive as a decimated race.

Nothing more inspiring than that. Well done.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much! Sybok's a fascinating character, and he was poorly served in canon. I just wanted him to have some hope.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Jan 2014 22:06 Title: Two of Us

Nicely done.

Through Sybok's reunification with his own family and his absolution, Eriecho discovers the true meaning of family for herself and also that ultimately she has to remain true to herself.

Author's Response:

Yep, and that the only people whose acceptance should matter to her are a group that doesn't include the matrons.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2014 08:54 Title: Twist and Shout

Ah, so Sybok's influence has taken root with young Eriecho. Maybe not entirely surprising as he seems to be essentially correct about the place. It's all for the good of the people inside the camp, has always been a convenient excuse. No, I'm not comparing this place to some hellish historical internment camp just yet but I think it would do her some good to get out for a while.

Author's Response:

She definitely needs to get out more. She's been locked away for nearly her entire life. So this might do her some good.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2014 19:14 Title: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

Eriecho and Sybok certainly is an interesting combination. A Vulcan who wants to be more so and one who wants to be less. I wonder if this could complicate her upcoming wedding. In any case, I bet the arrival will challenge the status quo in one form or another.

Author's Response:

Yep! Definitely two sides of a different coin there.

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