Reviews For Sanjay Maru
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Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2015 22:08 Title: The Test

Overall I like, but I think Ross and Mystery Man need a remedial course in Kirk Appreciation.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2014 11:51 Title: The Test

Another great twist on the no-win scenario and it makes sense to be that a late 24th Century Cadet like Sanjay would try to copy Kirk's Corbomite maneuver.

Unlike Admiral Ross I found the choice of the miracle material name ‘Kirkium’ appropriate as it is a good flag to most readers what going on but I did feel perhaps Ross should acknowledge that at least Sanjay was up to date his historical tactics knowledge.

As always the story is well set out and thus easy to read aid by the story structure follows in a logical order.

I was left a bit puzzled by Ross conversation with the unseen voices as it didn’t seem an appropriate way to discuss the cadet actions but I guess that was done for the sake of aiding the story narrative.

All in all a good and fun read.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Apr 2014 13:50 Title: The Test

Sanjay! You found the loophole! But truly, why not use all advantages? When in a real situation such as that, you would not be playing nice.

Pity they ship him off to the boonies! Well done.

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