Reviews For DS9 Heart
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 17:40 Title: Heart

Awww. Sweet. Condensed into such a short piece you got through a fair bit and just the beginnings of greater things. That Kira can see in Odo a heart surely has to be a moment when she claims that heart in Odo's eyes. Her demanour and the way he is affected by the plight of the crew forced to smuggle weapons means to say he is already beginning to open up to more and that surely lies with the Major. Very sweet.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2009 05:44 Title: Heart

A sweet, straightforward story! I'm not as up on DS9 and VOY as I am TNG and TOS, but this was definitely a wonderful little jaunt. I liked the ending, of course, and smiled at the Deltan couple playing. Good work!

Author's Response: Thanks very much! It was fun to write the DS9 characters, as well as spend time on the station. I already wrote a sequel to this, and am thinking of writing a third story.

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